Chapter XVII

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Today is training day. Well, at least for Bree and Mila. I'll just be a spectator. I'm still undecided. If I do train, I would have to make it clear that it's only because I want to control my powers. I need to be able to turn them off. I don't want to fight the SFA. I don't want to get involved. That's why some part of me thinks this whole thing is a trick. Or maybe I could use some of my time looking into our dad's death. It seems like the SFA killed him because he may have found out about our mom's powers. I need definitive proof before I'm willing to let it go.

Maybe I could do both: Train and investigate.

All you need to do is learn how to control your powers, Rainey. That's it.

Then next thing you know, I'm fighting crime in some shiny tights with a cape. No, thank you. For today, I'll just observe what Mila and Bree have to do. I've already noticed that whenever I do read someone's mind, it's when I'm overly anxious or when I'm extremely focused. So, I'll try to stay calm and only focus on myself and my sisters.

Our morning is very boring. Mila wakes me up at 8am. I get in the shower and brush my teeth. When I'm done, I look all over the bathroom and the bedroom for something to moisturize my hair with. I've had it up for a few days. It's time to let my scalp breathe for a bit.

As I look in the bedroom closet, I see an abundant amount of jeans, t-shirts, and jogging sets. I grab a jogging set to put on before continuing my search for hair products. They have everything else but not something to put in my hair.

I go back into the bathroom because I didn't thoroughly search the closet. I see towels, shampoo, body wash, and razors. There's a bucket on the bottom shelf that's filled with washcloths. Behind that bucket is where I find what I'm looking for. There's another bucket filled with Cantu products along with a few wide tooth combs, detangling brushes, head wraps, and hair ties. The Cantu products are the exact products my sisters and I religiously use. I should've known they would have it. I should've never doubted them.

After I give my hair some much needed TLC, I leave it out in an afro. I slide on my socks and shoes right before I put on some deodorant and moisturizer for my face.

I go straight to the kitchen when I'm ready. No one is here yet so I go look in the pantry for something light to eat. I spot some granola bars and settle for that. I grab a water bottle and then walk over to the front door to take a look outside. There's only one car in my view. I can't see the other one, but I'm sure it's there.

Soon enough, Michael comes into view. It's funny how I'm getting used to these weird looking helmets that everyone has to wear. Michael is in an all black suit with his helmet in his hands. I guess it sort of looks like a motorcycle helmet to those who don't know any better.

In the other hand he has my purse, and he also has Mila's and Bree's bags too. He sees me and gives me a little wave.

I open the door when he reaches me.

"What's up?" I greet him.

"Hey, do me a favor? Can you stay away from the door?"

I just shrug.

He rolls his eyes in annoyance, even though he has a smile on his face.


He hands me my bag as he steps inside.

"There's a new phone in there, with new identification."

I take my purse from him and pull out the phone. It's one of those flip phones no one even uses anymore. I look up at Michael as he patiently waits for my sisters to meet us.

"What do I do when I wanna get on YouTube?"

Michael leans up against the wall and folds his arms.

"You'll be at the facility all day while your sisters are training. There's plenty of gadgets there."

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