Chapter XXVI

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I feel complete once I'm in the suit. The way it fits me makes me feel as though it is perfectly sculpted around my body. It clings onto me so naturally that it feels like it's not even there. I look at Bree and Mila, and they're dressed as well. We've been a team all of our lives, but now we look like a badass group ready to take over the world.

Penelope enters the room and throws us some more clothes to put over our suit because, obviously, we can't leave the hotel room dressed like sexy Power Rangers. Once we're done, we meet everyone else in the common area of the hotel room. The trio is standing in front of us and are all dressed in black. No one says anything once we are all surrounding one another. As soon as we meet eyes, Mr. Axel turns away and goes directly out of the door. Penelope and Skylar follow him, so my sisters and I do the same.

The walk from our hotel room to the elevators feels like 50 miles. The tension is thick. It's so uncomfortable, and it makes my palms sweaty. I try to keep my thoughts to myself. I try to make sure I am not wandering into anyone else's thoughts because that will only make the situation worse. It's like someone walking in on you naked. It's embarrassing and a complete invasion of privacy. But if I'm being honest, I would really like to know what everyone's thinking even though I'm pretty sure I can tell by the way no one wants to look me in the eye. The only person who has spoken to me has been Penelope. Skylar and Mr. Axel haven't said anything directly to me since I told them everything. They're not really speaking to my sisters either but at least they can make eye contact with them and not look away in disappointment like they do me. It's really getting to me, and that's not like me. I'm usually a nonchalant person. The bad bitch that lives inside of me, tells me to let it go. The inner bad bitch that has been hiding these last few weeks because of insecurities dealing with my powers, is slowly creeping out to tell me to get over these thoughts that I'm having. If they don't want to talk to me, then they don't have to. I know that there's only two things that I can do at this moment, and those two things are to apologize and to fight to get Chance back. And once I make this apology, that's it. They can choose to accept it or not, but I know where my heart is. So as we step onto this elevator, I take a deep breath and relax.

"I'm sorry." I pause but then continue.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen, but everything just got out of control. I told the people that I trust the most and that's my sisters and Chance. If I would've known that this would've happened, I would have told y'all as soon as Michael gave me the drive. But I'm gonna make this right. I want this all to be over. If y'all still wanna be upset, that's fine. Y'all can waste your energy but there's only one thing I really wanna do right now, and that's find Chance."

The elevator is quiet. But I feel nothing but relief. I did add a little bit of attitude towards the end of my apology, but that's okay because now I know that I'll be able to focus once we get to the SFA headquarters. That's all that really matters to me at this point. The other situation can be handled later.

We step out of the elevator, and we start walking towards the entrance doors. Penelope informs us that the car we used to get here was waiting outside with valet. We are going to go straight to SFA headquarters from here, which is actually only about 20 minutes away.

Mr. Axel gets into the driver seat of the black car. Skylar sits in the passenger seat and the rest of us mosey on into the back. As Mr. Axel is driving, he goes over the plan about five times. The plan consists of us going to the headquarters and basically "surrendering". We're going to make an exchange. Us for Chance. We know that they are onto us. We know that they had eyes inside of the facility so they know how each and everyone of us looks.

We won't enter the building until we have Chance. If the exchange goes smoothly, Mr. Axel, Skylar, Penelope, and Chance will safely get to "leave". They won't be on the premises, but they'll be nearby for however long it takes for us to get to those kids and to the extraction device. Our phones are tucked in the side of our shoes. We have an hour before we have to make contact with them to give them an update. If they don't hear from us in an hour, they'll come in.

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