Chapter XI

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I haven't dreamed in a while but tonight, I do. I'm dreaming about traveling and every place I go, there's always a field of sunflowers. I can't help but to stop every time I see them. It's like they're calling my name. It's like they want to tell me something. I get closer and closer but as soon as I'm close enough to touch one, they disappear and then I'm at a different location. It's quite frustrating but interesting at the same time. The journey is being overpowered by me wanting to find these flowers, but I don't have any reason to find them but my own curiosity. I think it'll be beneficial to find them and to finally be able to touch them, but I also want to stop and take in the view of my surroundings instead of wasting my time trying to find something I may never be able to touch. I can't waste time. Time waits for no one. I have to let the sunflowers be. I have to-

"Wake up!"

I try to ignore the irritating voice and go back to my dream.


"What?" I open my eyes to find my two ridiculous sisters standing over me, but I let the anger go once I see the frightened looks on their faces.

My hands are tingling again. I clench my fists, trying to get the feeling to go away but it doesn't.

"What's wrong?"

"Look!" Mila shoves her phone into my face.

There's a few text messages from Aunt Melody. My mouth flies open as I read the messages. Apparently two detectives came to visit Aunt Melody early this morning to discuss us. We are wanted for questioning in the case of several burglaries around Hillcrest. The description of the suspects matches our appearances, which is very convenient.

Mila's responses all state that we aren't the burglars. And when she asked our aunt what the two detectives looked like, their description matches the appearances of the older white man dressed like he's in the CIA and the middle aged white woman who looks just a scary and bad ass.

"Wait, where's Chance and Trevor? Did you show them?" I finally notice Chance isn't in the bed with me.

"No, they left to get the computer stuff and food about 20 minutes ago." Bree answers.

"This is fucking crazy! What are we gonna do now?" I say while handing Mila her phone back.

"Good thing we didn't go to Aunt Melody's. That was a really dumb idea." Mila replies.

"Yeah." I agree. "She's the only family member that we have contact with so it makes sense that they would go to her, but how do they even know about her in the first place?"

Bree pipes in. "I guess our family history isn't that hard to look up."

My mind instantly goes back to our car, so I blurt it out.

"They could start looking at street cameras. They might find our car because they obviously didn't put a tracker on it. If they did, they would've come straight here. They went to Aunt Melody's because they thought we would be there."

"You're right, but we need that car. How are we supposed to get around?" Mila looks at us with her huge, brown eyes.

"We can take the bus. Even if they just so happen to see us, at least there'll be multiple witnesses." Bree tells us this, but her mind is noticeably on the clothes we got from the gas station last night.

"What are you about to do?" Mila asks her.

"I need to take a shower, then we need to figure out what we'll do next. How much cash do y'all have left? I have $246."

Mila leaves and I assume that she's going to the other room to check. I grab my bag from the side of the bed and look through my wallet.

"I have $208 left." I tell Bree.

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