Chapter XIV

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You know that feeling you get when you hit your funny bone?

Well that's how I feel right now, but instead, the feeling is running through my entire body. I have never experienced anything like this, and I don't think I will ever again. My mind is boggled, and my body is in an even worse state because I can't control anything at the moment. I'm just watching all of the craziness unfold right in front of my eyes. This is something I will never forget. I can't unsee what is actually happening in these three boxes that my sisters and I have occupied. What's even stranger is that we have an audience. The only people I've been introduced to are Mr. Axel, Penelope, Michael, and Bruce. Now there are at least 20 other people watching us that I've never seen before, like we're at a museum being observed and judged. It's very unsettling.

Between the three boxes, I would have to say mine is the most calm. As I take in my surroundings, I've determined that I have the power of telekinesis. There's no doubting that. Here I am, sitting on the twin size bed, and everything in the room is just floating. The folders that were once on the counter are floating, and the paper that was in them are also floating. The cabinets are flying open, revealing all sorts of snacks that are now circling around my head. I don't let the opportunity pass, so I grab a bag of chips and start munching on them. The mini fridge has also opened. Bottles of water and juice are in the midst of everything going around in the room. The pillow from the bed is flying. Every time I try to grab it, it just goes back up. To my surprise, the bed hasn't actually moved, and I assume it's because it's bolted down. What's happening is visually confusing, but it's not the worst part. The worst part is your body being abnormal. This doesn't feel like my body but like I said, my sisters situations are crazier.

Bree is literally disappearing and reappearing, not to mention she keeps falling through the bed. She's done this so many times that now she is just lying on the floor instead of continuously getting back in the bed. Her being on the floor doesn't help the fact that she keeps creating force fields all around her. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it though because she is taking a nap from the looks of it.

Now, Mila is a sight that's too hard to look away from. The imitation of the storms have stopped for me and Bree but in Mila's box, all I see are lightning bolts. That's it. Just flashes after flashes after flashes. It's scary and if it's scary for me, I don't want to imagine how Mila is feeling. She's sitting on the bed with her back against the wall. Her knees are close to her chest, and her arms are wrapped around her with her head down.

Penelope hasn't left since this whole process started. She continuously walks over to each box checking up on us. It's been about 20 minutes since the last time she's come by. I spot her at the front of the room, and we make eye contact. She gives me a thumbs up as she picks up one of the little microphones to begin speaking.

"I don't wanna scare you or Mila, but we are about to  assess Bree's box separately. It appears she may have reached her limit, but we want to stress test her to be sure."

I look to my right to see that Mila is now standing up in front of her bed. I stand up as well and go to the front of the box.

"Why her?"

I look at Bree, but I can answer my own question. She hasn't moved in a while, but her chest is rising and falling in a steady pace.

So I guess she literally passed out.

"Her body is resting, but we'll get her up soon to finish the transformation."

I turn back to look at Bree again and see that Penelope, Michael, and Bruce are back. They have a stretcher with them.

"Hey, Penelope. How are they going to get to her? She keeps phasing in and out. Plus, the force field."

My forehead is pressed against the glass as I speak.

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