Chapter XXXII

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"Let's do it."

Bree seems hesitant, but Mila agrees with me.

"Didn't you say we could kill anyone close by?" Bree asks while looking between the two boxes.

She's trying to read my face, but I'm not giving anything away. For a split second I did think about the aftermath of a power overload, but I also thought about how long it would take us being here before we finally break or before the SFA gets tired of us being defiant. It would be torture, and I don't want to go through that. But she is right. There are 12 other people a few feet away from us. They should have a say in what we're planning on doing.

Since this was Penelope and Skylar's plan, we know they're down. There are ten more people to take into consideration. We've been going on and on like they aren't in the same room as us. Like they aren't experiencing the same trauma as us, if not more. They deserve to have an input in the decision that we're about to make. If the majority of them don't want the power overload to happen, then we have to come up with another solution.

I tell everyone what I'm thinking and they agree. We all decide that Penelope, the doctor, should explain everything to the kids. It will be easier that way.

Penelope grabs all of their attention. She has to speak louder than I think she's used to speaking. But we have their undivided attention in a matter of seconds. Penelope goes over the reaction that the storms have on us and our powers. She talks about the quantum world and how we won't be able to use our powers to get out of here. She also explains the plan of causing a power overload that could potentially kill anyone nearby and even us. She even asks any of them if they had any ideas on how we could get out of here. There's a few mumbles, but no one can come up with a plan efficient enough for our escape. We give them a few minutes to process everything that has been said. When it's time to ask how many of them would like to go through with this plan, Skylar is the one who asks. She's back to being the well spoken woman that I'm used to her being. She's trying to connect with all these kids. The barrier that is the box and the cages makes it feel like we're millions of miles apart even though we're in the same room. There's no way for us to reach out and touch them. Who knows how long it has been since they've had human contact outside of the cages. It's hard for me to even think about not being able to hold my sisters' hands or to hug them. It makes me want to cry as I look at all of them from my position in the box. I can see the fear in their eyes. I am almost positive that with the last few weeks of them being here, that all they want to do is leave and feel the sun on their skin. What we're asking of them seems to be too much. I'm about to speak up but then I see a young man in the box closest to the door, raise his hand.

"I think we should do it." He states.

Soon enough numerous heads are nodding to his statement and arms are shooting up towards the ceiling. I'm shocked by their reaction. I look at Mila, and she's smiling to herself. Bree seems to be convinced as she counts the number of hands in the air.

"That's ten." She says.

"So I guess it's settled. Position yourselves away from one another. The space is limited and as soon as the box picks up on the electrical charges, the storms will begin." Penelope speaks to us with authority as her and Skylar move to the wall furthest away from us.

It's time for us to do this. There's no going back. It's now or never.

I move to the back wall. Mila stays on the wall to my left while Bree goes over to the wall on my right. I breathe in and breathe out a few times to calm my nerves. But then I stop because I don't know what the outcome of this may be. I don't know if tomorrow I'll wake up and I'll be able to see my sisters' beautiful faces again. I don't know if tomorrow I'll be able to walk in the park and not have to worry about the government tracking me down. For all I know, this could be the last time I look at my sisters. So before I do anything I have to touch them one last time before I release any of my powers. Because once I do, there's no going back.

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