Chapter XV

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I can't move. I stop exactly where I am. Skylar doesn't even notice at first. She continues walking, oblivious to what I'm doing.

I'm listening to the voice of a guy I was just with not even 24 hours ago. But how is this even possible? Is he really here, or am I losing my mind? This can't be right because why would he be here. He doesn't have any reason to be here. Maybe he followed us out here and is trying to figure out what's going on. Maybe they kidnapped him.

I'm trying to make myself feel better by believing what I know isn't true. The words that are echoing in my head belong to him. It's a softer version of his voice. It has me going back into a different state of mind. This is the third time that this has happened. I tried to make sense of it before, but I never fully dove into what was happening.

What's happening is that I'm inside his head right now. That's what happened with Mila. That's what almost caused me to wreck earlier. That's what happened that night at his apartment. I'm inside his mind, and I can't control it.

In this moment, his words make me believe that he knows more than he let on.

"Maybe she'll be able to teleport."
"That'll be cool."
"What else can she do?"

He has to be talking about me. What else does he know? And why can I read his and Mila's mind? I've been around Bree, and I haven't read her thoughts. What's the difference between them?

Skylar breaks my focus. She's now noticed that I'm not behind her. She starts calling my name. I'm not answering her because if Chance is here and it seems as if he knows more about the situation than he should, that means that she may know about him. I knew I couldn't trust them. Now I'm the one looking like a fool.

I divert my focus onto Skylar. I'm going to try to get inside her head. I don't know if she'll tell me what I need to know, so I'll find out myself. All I do is look at her. I try to zoom into her face, by only focusing on it. Nothing else matters right now. This takes absolute concentration, but I do it. I can hear her.

"What is she doing?"
"Is she-"

Skylar throws her helmet onto her head so fast I barely see it coming. She must've felt me inside her head. She knows what I was trying to do.

"So you can read minds?"

"How did you know I was reading your mind?"

Skylar takes a step forward.

"PC baby III was a mind reader. When we trained, we had to learn how to overpower each other's abilities."

"Okay, so I was trying to read your mind. I wouldn't have to do that if I was told everything from the start. Where are my sisters?" I step back, ready to make a run for it if I have to.

"Rainey, I haven't lied. Ask me anything. What do you wanna know?"

"Why can I hear someone in my head who shouldn't even be here?" I say it loud and look to my right and left because I know Chance has to be nearby.

He'll probably hear me and be man enough to face me himself.

I'm trying to focus on his voice in my head, but it's fading away. I can't concentrate because Skylar keeps talking to me.

"I can explain, but I need to get you to your box before you overreact and someone gets hurt. Please."

"I'm not moving until I see him." I firmly cross my arms.

My jaw is clenched, and my lip begins to quiver.

"I'll make a deal with you, okay? You can see Chance but only after we finish your tests."

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