Chapter 2: A New Life

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Five years had passed since that fateful event.

Arthur and Vira successfully found a home. They traveled their way there; entering the portal, took five days walking until they found a small village, but of course, they tried to be discreet in living with the people there. A home was built near the riverbed where no one was settled, so they took this opportunity to claim it as theirs. It's a two-story home, a little porch, and some plots with healthy fruits and vegetables. After those years, their hard work finally pays off; with small coins in their pockets, they managed to survive— they're lucky that some of the townfolks were kind enough to help them get on their feet. Even time passes, he never forgot to train himself— even though he took the job as a mentor in a little kids' school by the town square, he never failed to take care of his physique and even grew much more prominent, succeeded in being taller from Vira; still, he was the same Arthur she met seven years ago. Arthur had always wished that they could live like this forever with their child— speaking of which. Vira is already nine months pregnant, and he's nervous about it.

"My flower, I brought some sweet potatoes from our garden!"

Arthur had grown his hair from time. With an armful of sweet potatoes, he entered their home with a big smile. After that proposal, there's not any day that Arthur wasn't happy. He was still in disbelief that he and Vira married when it never seemed possible before.

"Do you want me to boil them for you?"

"Not yet; I am not hungry for some reason. Also, you are not going to like me..."

"Not going to like what?"

Vira huffed; she came down the stairs with a hand on her stomach while the other held onto the rail. She turned the corner and looked at Arthur; she had a guilty face as she did something behind his back when they agreed to wait.

"I found out the gender... accidentally..."

"Y-you what?"

Vira tried to hold back small laughter, but she finally sat down on a comfortable chair. Relaxing for a bit, she rubbed her ankles as they were starting to swell some more. Naturally, Vira would float softly above the ground, but she figured it could affect the child, so she took the risk of swelling ankles. She again looked at Arthur, knowing he would be excited if he wanted to know what they were having. When Arthur's attention was grabbed, he made his way over to her; surprisingly, he wasn't upset. She felt his arms around her; he was always much warmer than her. His excitement showed, and it was adorable; Vira would never admit it, though. 

 "So? What did you find out? Is it a boy or a girl?" 

 "Remember that old woman in the village who became blind for seeing into the future? She commented to me, saying that you would have to take care of two girls now."

 Vira smiled; Arthur's guess was correct. She leaned into Arthur's chest until the overwhelming pain became present. She did not show emotion until she felt like water was spilled on her. Vira was unaware of what these pains could mean, but it circulated in her abdomen and pelvic region. 

 "Uh... Arthur... I think we get to meet her today..."

 Vira kept calm, but her mind went crazy. She did not know how things typically occurred when it came to pregnancy, and her midwife in the village already came today, but perhaps she will come again soon? Vira was sweating; how is it that she did not feel any pain before? 

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