Chapter 3: A Surprise Visitor

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"Eden, be careful! Daddy will be upset when he comes home to see you gained another bruise!"

"Sorry, momma!"

The little blonde-haired girl liked to hang upside down on branches, just like a monkey. Eden was growing by the day; Vira could never be more proud of her daughter. Arthur still went to the village to enlighten younger ones about subjects they teach in schools. Eden was almost to that starting point for the school, but Vira waited a bit before enrolling Eden. If Eden were to have powers, she needed to control them or be sealed when interacting with humans.

"Daddy's home!"

Eden exclaimed, her bright blue orbs looking to the distance as she noticed her father walking home. Vira could not believe how fast time went by, which allowed her to stand with her bucket of vegetables. She had picked a lot since winter was coming; they needed to be ready. Soon Vira washed all the dirt away before bringing the vegetables into the home. Heading inside, Vira went into the kitchen to start prepping for lunch. The sun was at its highest; the wind was chilly; she figured her famous vegetable stew sounded delicious right about now.

"Welcome home, daddy!"

"I'm home, my little sunflower."

Eden had stayed outside, waiting for her father to come straight up the hill to pick her up and hug her like he usually did. Her little arms were extended, and that bright smile she had on her face... looked a lot like Vira when she was full of joy. The last time Arthur ever saw Vira like that was possibly when the four of them were hunting a giant, and the damn thing was uglier than a goblin. Arthur's comments those days made Vira laugh. Watching Arthur come closer, Eden was ready for his hugs; Arthur ended up picking her up to place her on his shoulder.

"Momma is making lunch soon! You made it just in time!"

"Oh? What did you and your momma do this whole time? Did you miss daddy, hm?"

"Momma and I cleaned the garden and washed clothes! I missed you so much, daddy!"

"Want to train with daddy?"


Vira peeked her head out the window, and she smiled. Seeing that Arthur made it home gave her peace. Opening the window, she let some steam out since what she was preparing can sometimes let out a powerful smell and steam—finally sticking her head out to see her two favorite people, now relaxing on the window frame. Vira felt the need to remind Arthur of something important since sometimes he could forget.

"You better do that in the backyard. We had a fence put up for a reason, darling."

"I like it when you boss me around. You heard Momma, right? We could train! Yeah!"


The two would make angry faces at each other and flex their arms up. They are definitely related to each other.

"Call us, okay?"

Arthur would step closer by the window and kiss Vira; Eden did the same as well but on Vira's forehead.

"I will be stronger than Daddy, momma! I will protect you two when I get old!"

"You think so? We'll see about that!"

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