Chapter 13: Gone

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Day Breaks.

Arthur woke up half-naked, but the pants he wore were still the same when he went to the party. Having almost the worst hangover he has ever had, he decided he needed to get up and start the day. He would stretch his arms up before facing Vira's side of the bed, noticing she was not in bed. The bed was left as it was never touched.

"My flower...?"

Vira's nowhere to be found. He quickly sat up, rubbing his eyes as he looked around. The room is empty, and her things are gone. A shiny object had caught his eye, and it was something on the nightstand. The moment he saw her ring, his heart sunk; he would hold the ring in his palm ever so tightly.   There's a note, and it was stained with droplets... assuming tears.   Nervous, his heart was racing. At first, he couldn't open the small letter that was left but when he did...

"Arthur, I am delighted you decided to step up and take your place as king. I am going home but will not stay there forever. Your duty lies within the kingdom, for my duty... It has yet to be discovered. I love you, but you are no longer mine."  ~Yours Truly, Vira.

After reading, he would press a hand on his head. He was so out of it, and he was in shock. He slowly sat back down on the bed, taking it all in. Speechless, he had no words until a small flow of words decided to creep out of his mouth.

"We...we've broken up?... Hah..."

It's all his fault. If he hadn't... anger had boiled within him, but he quickly eased the moment, realizing that tears began to fall.. and they were falling hard. He stood back up shakily, and it was as if he lost himself this time.


He muttered, but then when he stepped out of his room.


He yelled; their rooms were only a door apart. Quickly striding across, he banged on Artha's door hard.


Artha was shocked. Opening her door only to see his brother heavily crying in front of her door as if Vira had died again. Ushering him inside before closing it, she would know that he had a note and something inside of his palm. Artha was still in her nightgown, and it was not presentable, but it was only her brother who seemed to need someone right now.

"W- what happened, brother? Why are you crying this early in the morning?"

Arthur continued to weep as he gave Artha the letter, not saying a word as he cried. Upon reading... Artha turned pale.

"Why? How?! I thought you were going to speak to her last night?!"

"... I got so drunk last night from drinking and overthinking... I-I didn't know that she would actually... I-..."

Arthur could not help but stutter. Artha would grab a glass of water from her nightstand and gave it to Arthur since he needed it more than she did. After chugging it all, Arthur would wipe his tears.

"I'm going out."

"Wait, have you forgotten?! You cannot go anywhere!"


"It's your coronation day, you dumbass!"

Arthur's eyes widened. Now he's just torn.. but nodded.

"You are right... I'll go... prepare..."

Arthur spoke softly, and he was no longer excited anymore for this upgrade in his life. Would it be considered an upgrade?

"Brother... you should not force yourself to do this if your heart is not with it. I'm sure father will understand-"

"No, Artha... I must go."

Arthur left her room without saying another word, also leaving Artha worried for him.  Though first, he went to Kai and Eden. Kai was already awake, but Eden still slumbers peacefully.

"Master. What can I do for you?"

"Wear something comfortable. We are leaving."

"But- it is your coronation, master!"

"I know... prepare Eden for me as well, okay? Bring your things as well."

"Why all of a sudden, Master? Does Miss Vira know of this?"

Arthur would look away, knowing he needed to tell Kai the truth since he was more mature and can understand things better than Eden would right now.

"She is gone. She left.. we had a fight last night, but I did not know that it would have ended up like this.. she left her ring and wrote a letter... Kai, I think we are no longer together."

Kai was most certainly shocked, almost at a loss for words, but Arthur continued to inform Kai of the rest of the situation.

"She said that she was going home. We need to go back to our house. If that is the home, she is referring to... if not.. then we have a long journey ahead of us, and we better get started."

"Do you now know where her home is located, master?"

"No. Not at all.. she never told me after the years we had spent together. The times she would leave, she never allowed me to come with her since it was never safe for humans."

"Alright, master. I will explain it to Eden when she wakes. Thank you for telling me ahead of time."

"Please do. Thank you, Kai... I will be forever grateful."

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