Chapter 11: Reunion

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A month had passed, and Vira was left a bedroom inside the palace, dressed and cleaned neat enough to be presentable. There was a new day, and Galaerian seemed to have been significantly repaired, but not to its full extent. Slowly, Vira's eyelids had opened to reveal her sea-green orbs that have been hidden for so long. Sitting up, she was a little dizzy but managed just fine. She looked around, confused as she recognized where she was but...was that a good thing?

Vira grabbed a nearby pitcher of water and downed that like it was nothing, from her throat being so dry. Wait... Vira touched her throat, and it was a nasty scar, but it did not hurt; that was rather odd. Vira walked over to the door and heard talking, but once she opened the door, two maids were standing there, and they were scared. Vira rushed past them since she thought that the Demon King was still alive and running things for the slightest second.

"Miss Vira, wait!"

One maid called out, but that did not stop her from running; Vira ended up stumbling inside the grand hall where some of the meetings have been taken place. There stood Arthur's father, Artha, Yumiko, Aide, everyone, and her eyes trailed to Arthur, who grew a little facial hair, but that could mean... how long was she asleep? Vira stood there speechless and quite hesitant since all eyes were on her at this point. Yumiko began to tear up, turning to Vira, which made her back up a little more.

"What's going on here?"

"You're alive..."

Yumiko stuttered, just as she broke down in happy tears, but this made Vira confused. Did she die and then came back? Vira noticed the change in everyone, which threw her in a loop. For a second, Vira thought she could be dead right now, and this was her heaven, but one thing stood out, which never happens when dead. Vira still had her wounds, just like everyone else, and usually... you would be healed and left without a mark. Vira smiled, and it was genuine as she missed everyone and was glad they were still standing.


Aide was in shock, quickly standing up from his chair, which fell backward. Arthur would look back at that familiar voice. His eyes sullen; he had dark circles around his eyes— deprived of sleep. Standing from his chair, Arthur looked to the woman before him.


Arthur practically ran around the table and embraced Vira tightly, the warmth between them grew, and without really knowing, Vira's stomach was a little more prominent but hardly noticeable. Vira thought it would have been just because she was asleep for so long and never noticed until Arthur and she shared a moment.


"I'm so sorry."

The two then shared a kiss until Vira's attention was taken aback by the king. He was alive and well, and indeed clueless since their marriage was a secret.

"You two are TOGETHER?! WHEN?!"

"They were married father... Oh... did you not know? I thought— I thought big brother told you?"

"No! No, HE DIDN'T!"

Murmurs begin the settle. Aide would look back at the king with an apologetic look.

"My king... They are married for almost twelve years now..."


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