Chapter 4: The Investigation

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"M- momma, why is daddy mad?" 

 "He and auntie Artha are not happy with each other. It's okay for daddy to be upset. Mommy and daddy have to talk, okay? Can you be a big girl and go inside?"

 "Yes, momma..."

 Vira placed Eden down for her to go inside. Watching her go in by herself, Vira then turned to Artha and approached the situation. She stood next to Arthur, just as the conversation carried on. 

 "What about father? What happened to him? As you can see, I was busy raising my daughter.. your niece, father's granddaughter.."

 "He fell ill that day. He is currently in a coma as we speak. No one is sure why he will not wake."

 Arthur placed a hand on his face while he shakes his head. 

 "Vira.. what do you think? Is it worth checking?"

 "It's your family, dear. For their sake, and if this is true, we should consider it. However..."

 Vira turned to Artha, approaching her as they were up close and personal. Vira looked down at Artha; her glare was deathly. Artha gulped, fully aware a death threat will be given. 

 "One slip up, and I will end you. You, out of all people should know, I won't hesitate on killing a royal. Arthur happened to be an exception."


 Vira walked past Artha, heading inside to see Eden playing with her dolls made out of bamboo sticks. She walked to the kitchen, heating the soup once again since their lunch was interrupted by this unwanted situation. Once finished, she called out to Arthur, Artha, and the guards, who slowly woke up with headaches. 

 "I'm not letting the soup get cold again this time, come inside!" 

 Eden quickly got up and helped her mother, taking the bowls to the table even though she struggled with her height. Vira loved watching Eden try and support; with a wave of her finger, she helped Eden tremendously. Waiting for the rest to come in, Vira and Eden set up the table. Artha looked to Arthur, giving him a soft yet saddened smile.

 "Brother, I promise I'm not lying. I ran out of things to think of, but deep down... I know something will happen. Thank you brother, I'm sorry for all the commotion."

Arthur would raise a hand, his palm facing his sister. 

 "Please. Don't thank me yet. We haven't found what the hell is happening in the kingdom. Although... I'm glad you are alive. After the demon incident years ago, I never had time to say goodbye." 

 Then again, he would slowly pull his hand away. Beckoning them inside, the two guards would follow behind Artha, afraid of Arthur at this moment. 

 "Let's have lunch for now, shall we?"


 Artha followed after Arthur, and the guards soon followed as they entered the home. It was amicable and spacious, it was more for a big family, but it seemed Arthur and Vira only had one child. 

"Honestly, brother, I'm quite shocked that you and Vira ended up together..." 

"I still cannot believe it either, don't worry." 

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