Chapter 16: End

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"Arthur, can we talk privately?"

It was like the day they fought. The exact words came out of her mouth.

"Yes, of course. "

Arthur would look back at Mathias. He would smile softly at him before following Vira away from the living room. He already knows what they are going to talk about.

"Vira, I'm sorry if we suddenly barged in. We didn't know that it would be you and sir Malakai— if you want, we can leave tomorrow morning— besides.. the only reason we left Galaerian was to find you... And see you... I think this is enough if you..."

He was having difficulty continuing, as If there was a big lump in his throat.

"If you want me not to bother you again.. say the word... I still love you. I do. What I did back then... It was unforgivable, and I am so sorry about it... I realized what is important but cannot reverse time, so I wanted to make it right."

Arthur began explaining. Vira had not uttered a word and was already thinking about how he was wrong about all this. Once inside Vira's room, she closed the door while Arthur rambled on and on until she launched herself at him and hugged him. She had tears falling down her cheeks as she felt relieved.

"I thought I lost you for good. I have always wanted you to pursue your dreams, but you made it seem like I was your dream. You did not have to give up royalty for me, yet you did. It was rude of me to leave, but you know royalty is not my favorite thing."

Vira then let Arthur go, and she was floating off the ground without realizing it. She usually did that when she got too excited, but once she landed back on her feet, she looked up at Arthur with light in her eyes as if it had never been there for years. The only light that came into her life after such events happened was Mathias, who was always there for his mother.

"I know, my flower. There was not any day that I hadn't thought of you. You were my dream. Don't get me wrong. I know I've been wrong about picking my home instead of you... But you know me... I can't ignore the fact that my people need me.. and I had a hard time deciding.. but I still went for royalty. I'm sorry, my flower. This won't happen again... You don't know... how much I missed you, my flower."

The two kissed passionately, and it started to get hungry again. Vira missed him so much she could not contain herself. She was pressing herself against him until she realized what she was doing. She pulled away, regaining her self-control.

"Sorry, Arthur. I did not mean to do that... well... I did, but not to make you uncomfortable or anything..."


Mathias led the two down the hallway, passing by Arthur and Vira's room. And Mathias seemed concerned since he did not hear any voices until he listened to his mother apologize.

"Mom? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, dear. We are still talking..."

Vira sighed just as she grabbed Arthur's hand for reassurance that they were better.

"Let's go home. Our home."

"I would love that... I will never give that up again, my flower."

They decided it would be best to head to the home they built, with both of them agreeing. It was still their property, so it should remain under their names. With Vira packing her things, she opened the door to look down at Mathias.

"Pack your things, dear. We are going to the home we would have originally been at."

Nodding, Mathias went to get his things, and Vira walked over to her father, who stood there with a smile.

"I'm sorry, father."

"No need to apologize, my dear. Safe travels, and make sure you beat that man into shape. If you return to my home as you did back then, you might as well stay with me forever."

With the two hugging, they released each other to see everyone ready to leave. Before letting Eden go, she gave her a mask with a healing sigil fabricated into the mask. It was to help her breathe till they could leave the forest. While they left, they knew heading back to the home they owned would be a long journey, but with the help of Vira, it could go by faster.

Their lives were finally back to the way it needed to be.


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