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A/N: I got medicine from the doctor's, so now I"m feeling alot better! My throat still hurts, but I will definately write for you guys :)

Luke's POV

I woke Michael up to see the London city lights from the airplane. We would probably just sleep tonight from the jetlag, but tomorrow was New years Eve. The day after that we would go sight seeing, and the last night in London I had a suprise planned for Michael. Nothing too big, but he was my Kitten, so you never know.

It was hard to wake him up, he was sleeping so peacefully. But, I'm glad I did. His face lit up when seeing the lights.

"I'm a bit scared to land." Michael told me.

"It's going to be fine, it's just as easy as taking off." I smiled, but it immediately dropped when his look turned to horror.

"That was so bad!" Michael lached onto my arm.

"It's ok, I know you're afraid of heights, but it's all gonna be fine." I petted his head and my hands went through his fading red hair.

I know he's really scared, but if I'm being honest, he was really cute all clingy. Normally, Michael keeps up this act of 'extremy-tough-punk'. It was nice to see him all cuddly. Considering, he was rumored to pound people's face in.

"Mikey." I cooed. "We've landed."

He poked his head out of my shoulder where he hid his eyes. "Already, am I dead?"

I laughed. "I'm pretty sure we didn't die."

"Good, can we go see London now?" He asked all excited.

"It's eleven here and we just got in. I don't know what you're doing, but I'm sleeping. Also, we're going to be up late tomorrow, it's New Years Eve tomorrow."

"Oh, right. Well, ok, we can go sightseeing tomorow. I'm tired anyways." He said.

We were getting into the airport today.

"You slept the enitire way!" I teased him.

"Hey, you did too." He pointed out.

"I guess we're even then." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran out to the cars.

I'm assuming he didn't like it very much because he came behind me and was breathing really hard.

"You can not just do that all the time." He said in between breaths.

"Sorry, you're just not an athletic person." I smirked at him.

"Really? You're pulling that one? Someone doesn't get any cuddles today." He said, getting into the car I had rented and slung his suitcase in the back seat.

"Wow, you really got me there." I pouted.

We both got into the car. Michael grabbed the steering wheel, but there was nothing there.

"Except, smart one. You didn't realize the steering wheel is on the same side as Australia, not America." I smiled.

"Fine, you win." Michael pouted.

"It's okay, we all know you're original hair color is blonde, Michael." I laughed.

"So is yours!" He pouted.

We drove off and were soon arriving at the hotel.

"Love you." I smiled, knowing I had won this fake argument we were having.

"Love you too." He pouted.

We got into our room and basically collapsed onto our beds and fell asleep.


"Luke, get your dirty a*s up and make me some food." Michael through a pillow in my face.

"Are you serious right now?" I said muffled by my blanket to sheild me from the blinding light.

"No, I'm not that terrible, I made you some toast and cereal." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

I turned over in my bed and looked up. Sure enough, Michael was holding two plates of toast and bowls of cereal.

"Yep, now eat up, we're going out and sightseeing." Michael again, whacked me with his pillow so I fell off the bed.

"Thanks love, you're the best." I gave him a thumbs up from where I was laying flat on my face, on the ground.

"You're welcome." He said sweetly.

So, I got up and ate breakfast with him.

After we had both showered and gotten dressed, we got into the car.

"So, where we headed to first?" I asked Michael.

"We're going to the London Eye first." He beamed. "I can't wait to see the view from there."

"Me either." I was just so happy that he was finally enjoying something without being scared or putting on an act for his buddies. "So, where do we go all day?" I asked him.

"Well, we first go to the London Eye, then the Big Ben, that cool lion thing that Dan and Phil were on, we go eat lunch somewhere, then we go walk around and find a good spot to watch fireworks and the countdown to New Years."

"That sounds great." I smiled. We got out of the car and into line to go inside the London Eye.

-------timeskip 'cause lazy-----

It had been a great day and we were currently walking around to see if we could find a spot to watch the fireworks. It was a really crowded area, but it was the best spot to see them in.

"Oh my f*cking god." i heard Michael say.

"What? What's wrong?!" I was kind of worried.

"That's Dan and Phil, no f*cking way." (A/N: We all knew they were gonna meet.)

"Well, let's go over there.!" I said.

THey were really nice and let us get pictures and weren't creeped out by us actually. We let them get back to their things with their friends and found a spot to sit down.

"This is by far the best trip of my life." Michael said.

"We still have tomorrow in London, and I have something special for you." i said.

"Really? After all this?" He asked.

"You deserve it." I smiled.

Then all the fireworks we're going off.And, we were counting down.


"Happy 2015 Michael!" I yelled.


"Love you Lukey!" He yelled back.


And then he basically shoved his face against mine.

When we pulled apart, we just stood with his arm around me and watched and took some videos.

It was about four am when we got back into our hotel room. It had been a log drive back with traffic and we didn't leave until about 2:30 in the morning anyways.

"So you think a late start tomorrow would be nice?" I asked.

"Yep." He popped the p.

I turned over in my bed util I felt Michael join me from his bed. He put his arm around me so I was the little spoon. I just snuggled into him and fell asleep.

A/N: Hi people! I love how they both can be punk sometimes and cuddly sometimes. They ven eachother out. Alright, until next time lovelies!


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