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Michael's POV

It was the Friday before spring break and the entire school had Spring Fever. Even the teachers didn't care what we did today, and since they couldn't give us homework, every class was basically a free period.

"Hi Kitten." Luke came and sat down vy me.

Maths was the only class besides Literature we had together. It was a nice change being in the higher up Maths class.

"Morning baby." I smiled back at Luke.

"I'm so excited for Australia. I can't wait to meet your family and the nice weather and the beach and everything." Luke basically squealed.

Ashton and Calum walked into the class along with Jack and Alex.

"I can't believe you guys get too go to Australia." Jack said, the four choosing desks around us.

"We get to sit and do nothing." Alex said with a frown.

Shton said.

"Um, Ash. since when are you Irish?" Calum asked him.

"I'm half Irish, I swear." Ashton said.

"And why havn't you ever told us this?" I asked.

"It's a sensitive topic." He said.

"Mhm, yeah, sure." Luke said.

The bell rang and our teacher, Mrs. Brandt, walked into the room. Mrs. Brandt was young, expecting a baby, was extrmely nice, and was friends with Luke's mum so I had seen her at their house once or twice. It was kind of awkward, but her husband and her immediately told me how cute Luke and I are together. I knew I always liked her.

"Alright class, I know that most teachers are giving you a free day today, but I thought it would be fun to try something extremely different." Mr. Brandt spoke. "As you know, I'm also the science teahcer here, so we're going to perform an expirement involving the three layored liquid and burnimg of Nitrocellulose."

This actually sounded quite fun. Mrs. Brandt led us down to the Chemistry Lab and we all got goggle on.

"Ok, for the first experiment, Three Layored Liquid, you can all pick a partner and get the supplies listen on the board while I get the Nitrocellulose out and ready.

"Do you wanna be partners?" Luke asked.

"Sure." I said.

We got the supplies and went back to our table, mixing the ingrediaents in our testtube. It looked really cool. One layer was orange, another dark blue/black, and the top layer light blue and bubbly.

"Chemistry is so cool." Luke said. "If I didn't want to pursue something in music, I would definately be a Chemistry teahcer."

"I'm not gonna lie, nerdy you might be the hottest version of you."

Luke luaghed. "Really now?"

Mrs. Brandt called us over to watch the second experiment. It was a golden flame and the string it was burning on completely dissapeared in a poof along with the flame as soon as it was out os the string.

The bell rang, and let me tell you, the entire day was much less exciting.


"Are you guys ready to head off to the airport?" Luke's mum said. She was driving me, Luke, Calum, and Ashton there.

"More than ready." Luke said.

"I can tell you're excited, Luke." Calum said.

"You get so overexcited you shake." Ashton laughed.

"Hey! He's only ever been out of America once i his entre life. You can't blame him." I said.

"Aus isn't that cool anyways, t feels like nothing ever happens." Ashton said.

"It doesn't." Calum scoffed.

"It might be sometimes a bit low on excitement, but so is every place else." I poited out.

"It doesn't matter. I'm sure, I'll have a great time." Luke said.

There's my optimist.

"Alright boys. Stay safe, and have a great trip. Are you sure you have everything?" Liz asked as we got out of the car to catch our flight.

"I'm sure mum." Luke said.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Hemmings, Luke will be safe with us, and all our families are there as well." Ashton said.

"Alright, I love you all, see you on Sunday." She said.

"Love you!" Luke hugged her.

"Bye!" Calum and I waved to her as she got back into the caar and drove away.


We thankfully made it through baggage check and drop off for the bags that would go under the plane in one peice.

"Last call for flight 57 to Australia!" A voice said over a speaker.

"Um, what flight are we?" Ashton asked.

I pulled out my ticket. "Oh, that's ours!"

"Well then, run!" Luke said.

We ran the entire way across the airport. Getting some nasty stares along the way as well. Not our fualt we couldn't miss two afternoons of school in a row. Okay, it sort of was, but oh well.

"We. Made. It." Ashton huffed.

"Here's. Our. Tickets." CAlum told the lady, out of breath as well.

"You boys sound like you just ran across the entire airport." THe woman said.

"We. Did." Luke breeathed out.

"Well, we had to rearrange some seats because a family had issues with arrangements. You four are moved to first class."

"Seriously? No charge?" I asked.

"The family was desperate for the switch, so no charge." The attendant smiled.

"Wow, okay." Ashton said.

And we boarded the flight to Australia.

A/N: Filler, but they are headed for Australia. Mrs. Brandt is based off of my science teacher. She is really nice and deserved recognition, so here you go. I literally saerched 'cool chemisrty projects' on YouTube, so I don't know if you can actually do them in class, but oh well, they're really cool. Love you all eggplants!


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