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A/N: Guess who decided to be a rebel and write today while trying not to get caught, me. I'm terrible, I can't even be a punk if I tried.

Michael's POV

We pulled up to the beach and walked out to where Ashton's family, Calum's family, and my dad and his girlfriend were. Ashton ran up and hugged his younger brother Harry. They were so cute. And, they were always so close no matter how far they were apart.

I laced Luke's fingers with mine to make him feel a bit less nervous. We walked up to my dad and his girlfriend.

"Dad!" I went up and hugged him.

"Michael! I missed you so much! How's it been?" He asked me.

"It's been great living with mum and going to school in America. Ashton and Calum have made it all the better."

"Oh, and who's this young man behind you?" My dad asked. I smiled and brought Luke forward.

"Dad, this is Luke, he's my boyfriend." I was smiling big as my dad shook his hand.

The girl standing beside him spoke up. "Evan! You didn't tell me your son was a disgusting!"

"Michael is not disgusting, he is my son, and there is nothing wrong with him being gay Annabelle!" My dad fought back.

"I can't be with you if you accept your son for being one of them! They are disgusting sinners who deserve to be in hell!" Annabelle basically screamed, gaining attention from the two other families.

"Well then, I guess a year with you didn't prove to actually get to know you. We can't be togther then." My dad said calmly.

"You're choosing a over me?!" Annabelle squealed.

"Yes, he is, so you can leave, cause these are our sons, so you can leave." Anne-Marie spoke up.

"You all accept them?! You're all gonna go burn in hell!" Annabelle scremaed while walking to her car.

"Finally, I thought Annabelle would never leave." Calum said.

"She was always a b.itch to Harry and I anyways." Lauren said.

"Lauren! Don't swear." Ashton said.

She just shrugged. "You swear all the time."

"Who wants to go in the water?!" Calum called.

Luke spoke for the first time since the caar. "Can we go sit under the blankets and umberella, suddenly I'm not feeling so well."

" 'Course we can, baby." I took his hand in mine again, but he pulled back, so much to his dimay and fideting, I carried him.

"Noooo." Luke whined.

"It's your fault, you're the one who pulled away. Anyways, you're not feeling well. It might be heatstroke or something." I said, setting Luke down on the blanket.

The way it was set up no one could see us unless it was from the front. I layed down beside Luke. Luke lied his head down on my chest and I stroked his hair.

"I know somethings wrong, and it's not the you're ill." I told him.

"I- I need to tell you something important." Luke sat up.

"Okay, you're not breaking up with me are you? Wait! Were you raped? Did someone die? Di-" Luke cut me off.

"Michael! I'm okay, just something happened." He put his hands up in defense.

"Oh, ok." I mumbled.

"I-" Luke was about to tell me when my dad walked in.

"Are you boys going to join us? We're almost done before we clean up for our barbeque tonight." He said.

"Oh, yeah." I said.

"And Luke?" My dad said before we headed towrds the water.

"Yeah Mr.Clifford?" Luke said.

"Don't feel bad. If Annabelle didn't accept you then she doesn't deserve to be part of our family." My dad smiled.

Luke smiled. "Thank you, I feel much better now."

We then walked over and had a great time swimming with all our families before we went home.


"Awww." Calum cooed once we go back from the barbeque.

"He's so cute when he's asleep." Ashton said.

"Well, do one of you want to carry the tall boy into the house?" I asked sarastically.

"JUst wake him up." Calum shrugged.

"No, he had a stressful day and blamed my dad breaking up with Annabelle on himself." I said.

Both Calm and Ashton's eyes softened when hearing that.

"Why would he think that? If anything it would be you who caused it." Calum said, picking up some towels and blankets to bring into the house.

"I can carry Luke, if you bring the umberella into the garage. I don't know where it goes." Ashton said.

"Alright, I'll be up in our room in a second." I said.

I took the umberella and successfully put it in its spot without it repeatedly falling down. I ran up the steps to open the door when I heard Ashton and Luke talking. you Ash! I knew I couldn't trust you not to wake Luke up.

"Did you tell Michael today?" I heard Ashton say.

"I was going too, but his dad walked up. I think I'll tell him tomorrow." Luke said quietly.

"Luke." Ashton said sternly. "You've known about this for about a month now. You need to tell him."

"I know. I will." Luke said, sadly.

At this point, I walked in.

"Hey, you're up." I smiled at Luke depight the uneasiness in my stomach.

"Yep." Luke said, popping the p.

"Night guys, see you in the morning." Ashton walked out and sent a glare in Luke's direction.

"Night!" I yelled after him. "What was that about?" I asked, getting into my pajamas, Luke doing the same.

"Oh nothing, he just made sure anything Annabelle said didn't hurt me. Don't worry, it didn't." Luke put on a small smile.

I got in bed. "Luke, that thing you were going to tell me at the beach, what was it?"

Luke almost fell over when he stubbed his toe at my question getting into bed. "O-oh, just I felt r-reallt bad about y-your dad and Annabelle. Y-yeah."

Luke was stuttering, but I played it like I didn't notice. "Hm, alright. Don't take any of that seriously. Annabelle was a b.itch, trust me."

"O-okay. I love you Kitten." He said.

"Love you." I said back.

I cuddled into Luke's side, but for some reason I didn't believe Luke and that uneasiness wouldn't go away.

A/N: Cliff Hanger! What do you all think of the new band the 5SOS signed? I like them alot, they seem cool. Until next time. Love you eggplants!


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