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Michael's POV
I walked out of my car and over to the edge of the cliff. I sat down and watched the sunset with my legs dangling over the edge.
The city looked so beautiful from up here. No hustle and bustle, no loud honking or beeping, no rude people to shove past you. It was peaceful, quiet.
The quiet was broken by the sound of a car pulling in. I looked backwards to see that it was Luke's car. I turned back around to keep looking at the city. I felt his prescence right beside me, sitting down.
"Mikey, I'm so very sorry." Luke said.
"I forgive you." I said.
"Really?" He asked hopefully.
"PYSCH!" I yelled and pushed Luke off the cliff where he tumbled to his death. Then I sped away in the car.

A/N:Jk guys, keep reading, that didn't happen lol
"How did you know I was here?" I questioned, still looking at the view.
"You're mum told me that she knows this is where you go even though you told her the opposite." He explained.
"It takes almost 6 hours to get here, you skipped graduation, why?" I asked.
"You're more important to me." Luke said without hesitation.
"What you said to me hurt, so so much. I-you're the only person besides Calum who didn't mind all the rumors about me. I thought you understood some sort of what happened." I explained.
"I know, and I do understand. It was never, ever, your fault. I was being a dumb,stupid, a.sshole, and took my stress out on you. You were literally trying to help me.
I'm so sorry. I don't have enough words to explain how good you are to me, how you're an unbelievabley beautiful and perfect human being physically and personality wise. I don't deserve you. I understand if we should break up because this is such a hurtful thing of the past." Luke said and then we just sat in silence for what seemed like forever.
I finally broke the neverending silence. "You may be a major sometimes, but we all slip up. You have saved me more times than you will ever know, Luke Robert Hemmings. People say to never once in your life, depend on another person, but sometimes you prove thise people wrong.
No matter how many times we fight, it turns ok in the end, because we support eachother. You will forever be my rock, protecter, cuddle buddy, the guy I like to make flustered, my best friend, and the person I love." That speech took alot out of me, but it was worth it.
"Michael Gordan Clifford, I love you more than anything that could possibley exsist." Luke said.
"I love you too, Luke."
I lifted my pinky up to be linked with his. And, if we made love in the back of his car, then no one would have to know because we were too much in our own little bubble to care.
It was the day that Luke was leaving for Uni in England. Let's just say that Calum, Ashton, the rest of the boys, and I weren't taking it as well as we'd hoped.
"You better fu.cking facetime, text, call, Skype, write notes, send pigeon letters, I don't care, do something to keep in touch." Jack said.
We all laughed a tiny bit at the bittersweetness.
"I promise I will talk to you all as soon as I can." Luke said, hugging each boy one by one.
When he got to me, I started to cry a little bit, don't judge me, ok?!
"I'm going to miss you alot." I said, hugging Luke like he'd dissapear at any second.
"I know Kitten, but I'll onky be one button press away and visit you in six months for a week, then after that it's only two months 'til I'm hone for the entire summer." Luke said with hope in his eyes.
"I know, I'll be counting down the days." I said and played with his hair.
"I love you Michael." Luke smiled.
"I love you too, Luke."
Luke kissed me quickly before his flight was called and I had to leave the airport with the rest of the boys. I looked back once more and he gave me a tiny wave, and I gave one back before Luke gave the lady his ticket and boarded the tunnel.
I think I just might be ok.
A/N: Not the end guys, still a couple things left. Love you eggplants! I can't thank you enough for supporting and reading. It means the world to me. :) <3

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