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Michael's POV

It was time for us to leave Australia. I was honestly really sad. It meant that we had to go back to school, and I was so much closer to Luke having to leave. It really sucks when you and your boyfriend have to be 1,000s of miles part for so long.

Calum, Ashton, Luke, and I got onto the plane.

"I'm taking a sleeping pill and gonna be knocked out the entire time." Calum said.

"I'm not looking forward to go back to school on Monday." Ashton said.

"How late our we getting back Sunday?" I asked.

"Probably around 1 in the morning." Calum said.

"Hand me one of those sleeping pills." Luke said from beside me.

"Same." I said.


The last two weeks were a blur of last minute homework and tests. I swear they piled everything onto us in the last weeks. Even with finals coming up. This is why I hate school. I told Luke this and he said hate was a strong word, so I now I'm supposed to say 'despise', but no. I hate it.

I'm going to college here in Sydney to hopefully find music as a career. I was driving over to Luke's house to see him before graduation tomorrow. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. Liz opened the door.

"Michael! I'm assuming you're here to see Luke?" She greeted me with a hug.

"Yeah, just hanging out before graduation tomorrow." I smiled.

"He's just right up in his room." Liz said.

"Thank you." I headed up the stairs. I went up to Luke who was studying in his room. I wrapped my arms around him and he jumped a bit. "How's my baby."

"Fine." Luke snapped. I wasn't expecting that.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, except for the fact that finals are coming up and I'm piled with homework, we're graduating tomorrow, my entire family's going to be there and I'm unbelievably stressed." He huffed.

"Luke, honey, I think you need to take a little break. It might help." I said.

"No! What am I supposed to do?! Fail my final tomorrow?! Unlike you, I actually have a future in front of me!" Luke yelled.

"Excuse me?! I'm trying to help! You can't spend all your time locked up in here, do you want you're last memories of high school to be nothingness?!" I yelled back at him.

"At least I'm not the boy who will always remembered because he had s.ex with a teacher for a dare!" Luke screamed, but then his face softened.

It didn't matter, that one hurt, a lot. I screamed back at him. "That was the worst day of my life, you know he r.aped me! I-I hate you!"

I ran out of his room, slamming the door. I ran past Liz who attempted to ask what was wrong. Tears were running down my face and my hands were shaking out of aftermath as I gripped the steer in wheel.

I drove to the park where Luke first asked me to be his boyfriend. I cried harder. Luke knew what happened, he knew. Why would he say that? And that I had no future? Yeah, it wasn't as planned out as his, but I was trying.

I just sat there,on the bench, for the longest time. I looked up at the willow trees swaying in the wind. The thing that hurt the most wasn't even the things that he said. It's that everyone sees me as the freak. The one who had s.ex with the teacher. But, from the start, Luke didn't.

Luke always somehow knew that I didn't do that for a dare. That the rumors weren't true. Luke was always there when the walls I put around myself were broken. But, now, now I wasn't so sure.

I would never know if he meant what he said, or if Luke sees me as everyone else does. The freak, the dumb one, no future.


I drove back home and was done being angry, sad, I was done with everyone. I threw my gown in the trash. Who needs graduation anyways? I grabbed a duffel bag, packed clothes enough for one night, took the keys, and filled the car with gas. I would be back, maybe.

I had no idea where I was going to, but, somewhere away from here.

A perfect idea popped into my head. It would take about six hours to drive there and back. I left my mum a note. I told her that I was going to the pier and I'd be back late tomorrow night. I wasn't going ther though. Oh well, at least she won't worry.

I threw my duffel bag into the back of my car and started to drive.

A/N: Graduation will be next chapter. I hope you all can understand why Mikey's leaving. If you don't, he'll explain it next chapter. He'll be back, don't worry. I love you eggplants.


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