Visiting Grimald

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After shaking my head from the strange events in the that fortune tellers shop, I quickly made my way to the diner to get myself something to eat. My stomach was rumbling so loudly that it could of probably woke the dead. The diner was absolutely delicious and I made sure to get a couple pastries for Aunt Elly and Sybil as a thank you for letting me go out today.

It was coming to the end of the day and the sky began to turn orange as I made my way to the cemetery. It was only a few blocks from my aunts house which was on the outskirts of the city. The entrance was coming into view and I felt my excitement begin to build as I approached it. There was so much mystery surrounding this gargoyle and I was starting to think that the mystery was stretching into the town as well, some of these folks were strange.

I had been told her was in the older part of the cemetery which was in the far back left corner of the land with the ancient grave markers. I saw a few people walking to the exit while a few more were visiting the graves of their relatives and friends. Keeping my head down a quickly made my way to the oldest spot in the cemetery and there he was.

He sat in the very middle of the decaying markers and looked out across the entire cemetery. Grimald look like he was ready to pounce at any second, being in a crouched position with his hand between his legs and flat against the stone slab he sat on. His other arm was resting in his knee while his wings were folded back waiting to be used. I walked closer and noticed the amazing detail work across his body. He was well built and covered in what looked like scars, how the artist was able to make them look so real was beyond me. After circling him and taking in every detail of this amazing master piece, I stopped in front and faced him. I took this time to really look at face and noticed how sad he looked, it was a detail I would have easily missed. His pained expression pulled at my heart and made me want to cry. I know he isn't real, and that the stories were just a legend, but how could anyone be so cruel to such a beautiful creature?

Without realizing it my hand reached out to touch his face, to offer some sort of comfort to the hurting gargoyle. My palm seemed to fit perfectly on the cold stone cheek but the moment my skin made contact a shot of electricity when straight up my arm and hit me in the heart leaving me breathless. I caressed his face for a moment longer before pulling away and choosing to sit next to him for awhile. I sat beside him on the stone slab and leaned my head on his arm before grabbing my phone and scrolling through social media.

Looking up I noticed the sun was almost finished setting and decided I needed to start making my way back to Aunt Elly's house. I stood up and dusted off my skirt before turning to face Grimald.

"I'll be back to visit soon Grimald. Thanks for the wonderful company. Goodnight."

I walked off quickly hoping no one heard me talking to a gargoyle, it's not like he could hear me anyway. I felt so silly and tried to fight the color that was flooding my cheeks, but I was also excited to come back and visit, maybe I would bring a book with me. Smiling for the first time all day, I walked as fast as I could trying to make it back to the house before the dark settled in.

I slipped in the front door quietly and made my way to the living room quietly so as not to disturb my aunt if she was sleeping.

"Sybil, stop filling her head with such romantic fairytales. We both know that he deserved what he got, he was a monster."

"How would you know Elly, you weren't even there. All you know is what the people in those horrible churches tell you. Churches are afraid to accept anyone that is different than they are and you and I know it."

"Oh please Sybil. God tells us who to accept and who not to accept and he was the spitting image of Satan!"

"Oh, I didn't realize you knew what Satan looked like. Shouldn't surprise me though sense you practically sold your soul to him when you accepted tha-

I chose that moment to make my entrance so I didn't have to hear anymore of their arguing. I thought they were friends but it seemed they had a major disagreement over something. I decided to lighten the atmosphere by giving them both the pastries I bought for them today.

"Oh dear I didn't hear you come in. These look delicious, but where is yours?"

Before I could answer Aunt Elly said, "How could we hear her over your big mouth."

I couldn't help but giggle and whisper, "I just got here and tried to stay quiet encase Aunt Elly was sleeping."

"Well since you are here Lexi, please go to the kitchen and make dinner for us. I am starving."

I nodded and made my way into the kitchen and began to pull things out to make some dinner. Stopping in my tracks I jogged to the living room and looked at Sybil.

"Will you be staying for dinner?"

Sybil smiled kindly and answered, "Thank you dear but I need to head home. You should come over and visit me sometime and tell me about your visit into town."

I nodded enthusiastically loving the idea of getting to visit with Sybil some more.

"Hurry and make dinner Lexi, we still need to do devotions before heading to bed," Aunt Elly said.

I turned and headed for the kitchen and just a few minutes later I heard the front door open and close.

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