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I made sure to keep myself extremely busy at my aunt's home, in fact I was doing so much work that Aunt Elly had not hit me, screamed at me, or reprimanded me once in the last week. I knew I couldn't avoid the situation forever, but I was honestly to terrified of what meeting Grimald face-to-face would mean for me. Ever since the incident last week I was constantly looking over my shoulder, locking my window and bedroom door, and keeping the curtains tightly shut to make myself feel more secure. I couldn't even sleep properly knowing that I had just dug a huge hole for myself and had no idea how to get out of it, the sense of danger was definitely beginning to hang over my head.

"Alexis, come downstairs for a moment, " my aunt hollered from where she was in the house.

My aunt's health was definitely improving, but unfortunately I wasn't any closer to going home than I was when I landed here. The doctor's weren't happy with how slowly my aunt was progressing, but it was also because she didn't do any of her exercises at home. Instead of getting up and trying to move around like she was told, she preferred to lay on the couch and bark orders.

"Yes Aunt Elly?"

"I have another check up tomorrow and Sybil has once again offered to take me."

"Bu-but I can t-take you. I-it's really n-no trouble," I stuttered, terrified at the thought of being alone.

"I know dear but you have been working very hard lately and shown me that you are responsible. So I thought you would enjoy a day of relaxing a little and doing whatever it is you wish to do, that pleases God of course," she said with a smile on her face that I had never seen before.

I knew that it would be rude of me to beg her to let me come along, and I was afraid of angering her again. Things were finally peaceful here at her house and I really didn't want to ruin that by being bratty.

"Thank you. Th-that's very k-kind of you."

We talked for a few more minutes with her explaining when she would be leaving and what time she would be back. I knew that Sybil was doing this in hopes that it would force me to talk to Grimald, but I didn't plan on stepping foot out of this house.

Once I was in my room I went about my new routine to make sure I was secure and somewhat safe, before laying in my bed and staring at the ceiling. Everything that had happened over the last couple of weeks just wasn't adding up or making any sense. Why I am suddenly in the middle of something that I didn't know was real until last week? What was going on in this town?

I stopped my train of thought reminding myself that I really didn't want to be involved, especially if it meant being stocked and in constant danger. All I wanted to do was help my aunt get back on her feet and go home where I knew I was safe and wanted.

Early the next morning I was packing a snack for my aunt and Sybil because the car ride was kind of a long one. The doorbell rang as I finished packing it so I headed to the front door to allow Sybil into the house.

"Hello dear! How have you been?"

For some reason I felt like there was a double meaning behind her question, maybe it was just my paranoia getting the best of me.

"I have b-been fine. J-just busy l-lately."

I did my best to give her a convincing smile, but the look she gave me told me that she could see straight through my lie.

"I'm assuming that means a certain conversation hasn't happened yet?"

I slowly shook my head no and looked down finding my bare feet more interesting than her. I knew that it probably needed to happen, to give me more clarity and understanding, I was just to terrified to go through with it.

Sybil nodded her head before sighing.

"I know you're scared, but Grimald isn't going to hurt you. In fact, he will be your biggest protection. Now that you know about his secret you need to talk with him, ask him your questions, and start figuring out where to go from here."

As much as I hated it, I knew that she was right, I couldn't avoid him forever.

"I-if I talk t-to him, will I be p-put into m-more danger?"

I was terrified of her answer, because I was to young to be looking over my shoulder, I couldn't live that way.

The sad look she gave me made my heart stop.

"Honey, you are already in danger, which is why you need Grimald. He will protect you and together the two of you can find a way to get through this. But you have to do it together, otherwise.."

The way she stopped and didn't finish caused my fear to leap through the roof.

"O-otherwise what?"

Sybil opened her mouth to answer but my aunt interrupted her.

"Are you ready to go Sybil? I don't want to be late."

"Yes, let's get you put into the car and head down the road."

I just stood there shocked. She still hadn't answered my question, this is my life we are talking about, how could she just brush it off?

"I will talk to you later Alexis. I'll let you know when you're aunt is finished with her appointments so you know when to expect us," Sybil stated, sounding as if nothing had happened.

I nodded before handing her the snacks I made for their trip before slowly walking up the stairs to my room. I looked at my phone and considered calling my mom, but what would I tell her?

"Hey mom, guess what? I am being followed around by people in cloaks and a weird fortune teller is saying I am in great danger! And my aunt's next door neighbor is 500 years old can you believe that? Oh and to top it all off, do you remember that gargoyle in the town cemetery? Well it comes to life!! How are you and dad doing?"

Ya that would never go over well, she would probably check me into a psychiatric ward. With a shake of my head I laid down and tried to figure out what my next step would be.

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