Dating Jordan Kyle includes....

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- You were working for Praetor Lupus just like Jordan but you two hadn't really talked as you were busy with your own assignments.

- But that changed however when both of you were assigned the case of Simon Lewis.

- Your relationship was strictly professional at the start and the only thing you to talked about was Simon and how you were going to protect him.

- But as time passed and you both became more comfortable in each other's company you began to hang out just because you wanted to.

- You didn't live with Jordan and Simon and instead had your own apartment, but you spent very little time there.

- Most of the time you were at Jordan and Simon's place and since these two boys hardly even knew how to cook rice you oftentimes cooked for them, not because they told you to but because you wanted too.

- You would more often than not be alone in their apartment and cook some food for them to eat when they came back home.

- Everytime Jordan would walk through the door and see you there behind the stove he would smile.

- He would walk up to you and always ask you to teach him how to make the particular dish you were preparing.

- And so each time you would tell him step by step how to cook, and you would laugh and chat as you prepared dinner.

- This was a sight Simon often came home to and to him it was so obvious that the two of you liked each other, and he wondered why you just wouldn't admit it.

- One night when he walked through the door and saw you hold up a wooden spoon to Jordan's mouth to let him taste the sauce he just blurted it out.

- "Oh my god, why won't you two just admit you like each other already"

- Both you and Jordan had turned to face Simon with wide eyes as he gave you both a wave and headed for the door again.

- "I'm going to meet Clary, when I get back I expect you two to have an answer" and with that he left Jordan and you alone.

- You had blushed as you turned to face Jordan. "I guess the cats out of the box now"

- When Simon returned later that night he found you and Jordan curled up asleep on the couch.

- You knew you were Jordan's first girlfriend since he had been with Maia and therefore you two took things slowly at the start.

- Jordan had told you about his past with Maia and about how he had turned her, and you had been shocked at first but you knew that he was not the same guy now that he was back then.

- You both had plans of moving to someplace where Jordan could surf when all this with The mark of Cain and Jonathan had passed.

- He had promised you that he would teach you too.

- You sold your apartment and moved in with Jordan and Simon since you spent most of your time there anyways.

- You and Jordan would always cuddle up on the couch and have movie nights were you watched Disney movies and ate snacks inspired from the movies.

- It was a way for you two to escape from the reality even if it was just for a few hours.

- Sex with Jordan was slow and intimate.

- He wasn't a fan of quickes but wanted to cherish the intimacy of the moment.

- Foreplay is a must

- Jordan wanted to give you as much pleasure as possible and that meant that he would take his time as he went down on you, he just loved to see your face contort in pleasure.

- You would always tangle your hands in his long locks.

- But you didn't just want him to do all the work so you would return the favor yourself.

- He isn't overly vocal but he grunts and groans a lot.

- He loves to hear you though, it really gets him going.

- At night, the two of you would lay awake in bed and talk about all the places you would visit and explore when all this was over.

- You would dream of far away places and you were both certain that you would be able to fulfill these dreams soon enough.

I swear to god, Sweden is so slow when it comes to vaccinating the population and it pisses me off

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