Dating Jace includes...

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- Him feeling an attraction towards you the first time he saw you, he just knew he had to have you.

- You being a bit taken aback by his forwardness and confidence when he first approached you.

- Being shocked someone as good looking as him wanted to take you out on a date when he could get any girl he wanted.

- But Jace only had eyes for you.

- You slowly taking a liking to the cocky blond, and it doesn't take long before the two of you are a thing.

- Sharing your first kiss right before setting out to track down a demon lose on the streets.

- Training together, but it usually ends with the two of you caught up in a heated make out session and either Alec or Isabelle waking in on the two of you.

- Teasing him immensely during training sessions just to get a reaction out of him.

- Constantly getting distracted by his good looks every time you two actually manage to get some training done.

- Drawing runes on each other.

- Spending almost every waken hour together.

- Going on missions even though Jace has a tendency to be a bit overprotective of you when it comes to dangerous situations.

- You assuring him that you can handle yourself being a shadowhunter and all, but him still constantly worrying for your safety.

- Reassuring him he will never lose you and that you will always be by his side even when he doubts himself.

- Trusting each other with everything and never keeping secrets from the other.

- You being the first to say "I love you" when he comes back wounded from a mission and you have to patch him up.

- Him not saying it back, but you understanding because of the childhood he's had and how hard he finds it to trust people and show his vulnerable side.

- Him finally saying it back right after a fight with a demon where you got badly injured and he realised that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if anything happened to you.

- I love you's being mumbled in the dark of the night when the two of you are cuddling in bed.

- Making out a lot, like a loooot. It doesn't matter whether it's in public, in some random hall in the institute or in your bedroom. Jace doesn't care, he'll show his affection to you regardless of who might be watching.

- Having a very active sex life with mind blowing sex, I mean like damn.

- Jace has stamina thanks to his stamina rune so you better be prepared for not just round one, but round two and three as well.

- Him worshipping your body and showering you with compliments both during sex but also just in general.

- He loves every part of you and he wants you to know that.

- Cuddling afterwards with him being the big spoon, or with you just resting your head on his chest and tracing his runes with your fingertips.

- Him kissing the top of your head and telling you how much he loves you.

- Falling asleep in each other's arms each and every night.


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