All I want for christmas is you- Jace

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With being a shadowhunter and all, you and Jace didn't necessarily always have the time or opportunity to celebrate Christmas properly

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With being a shadowhunter and all, you and Jace didn't necessarily always have the time or opportunity to celebrate Christmas properly.

But as this was your first Christmas together and both you and Jace had been allowed to have the night off you wanted to make it a memorable one for the both of you.

So here you were currently decorating the only empty space available in the institute, the training room.

You sang along to the Christmas music you had playing on your phone as you balanced on a chair, putting all the tinsels you around the walls.

You're singing was interrupted however when someone suddenly tapped you on your shoulder.

You turned around, only to be face with Izzy who had an apologetic expression written across her face.

Your cheerful mood dwindled and you pulled your earphones out, knowing she wasn't the bearer of good news.


"But Alec had promised me he would let Jace and me have the night off for once" you complained to Izzy as the two of you strapped on your weapons.

"I know, but that was before Jonathan decided to send a dozen of forsaken to hunt down Clary" Izzy said as she turned to you.

"I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up"

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]"

You just sighed as you picked up an additional blade, knowing it would probably be needed if Clary had been ambushed unarmed.

You and Izzy came to a halt as you reached the alley Clary had said she had been ambushed at.

You looked around, feeling yourself begin to get worried when you saw no sign of the redhead nor your boyfriend.

Your eyes widened however when you heard a male voice yell out an order, followed by a loud grunt in the distance.

You gave Izzy a quick look before the both of you dashed off further into the dark alleyway.

You're eyes darted around the chaotic scene when you saw both Clary and Jace come into view.

The bodies of four forsaken were on the ground, and Clary was currently being backed into a corner by two, your boyfriend skillfully fighting off one as five other marched towards him.

"Help Clary" you told Izzy before you ran over to aid the blond.

You came up behind the last of the five forsaken approaching him and finished it off before it even had the chance to react.

His dying scream however alerted two more to shift their attention from Jace to you.

You widened your stance, and swung your blade around in your hand, eager to take your anger out on them.

"C'mon then" you taunted with a slight smirk as the two forsaken rushed at you.

You quickly side stepped, and slashed at the legs of the one to your left, spinning around and pulling your dagger out from your boot before throwing it at its head.

The foresaken staggered back and fell to its knees, swaying back and forth before landing face down on the cold pavement.

You looked up when you heard a roar, a bit too late however as the other foresaken charged right at you, knocking you over as it bristled past.

You fell back down, landing badly on your back and felt the air rush out of your lungs.

You looked up to see the foresaken tower over you, and you frantically felt over the pavement with your hands, trying to find the blade you had float in the fall.

You panicked slightly as you couldn't feel it and looked up in utter horror as the foresaken got ready to deliver what would be a fatal blow to your head, but before it had the chance the tip of a blade suddenly protruded from its stomach.

You could see it's eyes widen as it looked down at the sword, the sword was swiftly pulled out however, and the foresaken fell to the ground, revealing Jace standing behind it.

He immediately jogged over to you, and crouched down by your side.

"Are you alright?" He asked as his eyes searched your body for injuries before finally landing on your face and meeting your gaze.

"I'm fine, but I had expected this to be a rescue mission of me saving you and not the other way around" you said as you cracked a smile.

Jace smiled as he reached out to cup your face with his hands. "I appreciate the attempt"

You scoffed at his comment but nevertheless leaned in to press your lips against his, smiling into it as you felt one of his hands come down to wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him.

You pulled back after a while, a frown suddenly appearing on your features.

"This is not how I wanted Christmas to go, I had the perfect night planned for us" you said as you searched his eyes. "I wanted for us to be able to experience a real one"

"I don't need a perfect Christmas, all I want is you" Jace said, making you both burst out laughing at how corny he sounded.

You gasped suddenly however when you noticed white flakes landing in Jace's hair, and you tilted your head back to see the dark night sky being blurred by snowflakes falling slowly to the ground.

You looked back at your boyfriend in awe, and you saw him smile widely at you.

"Maybe Christmas isn't ruined after all" you said.

You reached up to run your hands through his snow covered hair and brought his lips to yours again.

Maybe you didn't need a prefect Christmas after all, all that was really needed was Jace.

I didn't time this correctly at all.

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