Sex and Violence

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A/N: HELLO GUYS! It's been a hot minute since I have been on, sorrryyyy. But I am back :) I really hope you're enjoying the book, I know Castiel has not been in this book that much but it's about to change now. I should probably warn you guys that this is not gonna be a quick romance, it will be a slow burn. Also, I know at the end Cas professed his love for Dean and I have to say I WAS IN LOVE WITH THAT. But for the purposes of this book we will have to just say that did not happen. :) 


Dean is sleeping on a bed in the motel room, Ellie enters the room with some coffee in her hand. She enters quietly to not wake her big brother, Ellie then hears Sam in the bathroom and quietly listens in. Suddenly, a truck horn sounds and Dean wakes. He turns to see Sam is not in his bed and Ellie listening to at the bathroom door, she puts her finger to her lips and listens. 
"Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. No storms, no bad crops, nothing." They hear Sam. Dean leans up on his elbows and watches Sam talk on the phone, he then raises his eyebrows at his sister who shrugs in response. "Yeah, okay. We'll keep looking. You keep looking too, OK? All right. Talk soon." Sam hangs up, Dean quickly lies down and Ellie walks quickly to the door pretending to just come in. Sam enters the main room and sees Ellie walking from the front door, he gives her a smile and watches Dean. He pokes him with his bathroom bag. "Hey. Up and at 'em, kiddo." Dean rubs his eyes as Ellie passes him and Sam a coffee. 
"You two are up early. What are you doing?" Dean asks. 
"Getting us coffee?" Ellie says like it was obvious.
"Nothing. I was in the can." Sam lies, his brother and sister look at each other.
"Yeah?" Ellie questions him. 
"Yeah. You want me to draw you a picture?" Sam hits back, she quickly shakes her head. 
"Nah, I'll pass." 
"Found a job. Bedford, Iowa. Guy beat his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer." Sam explains.
"Yikes." Dean says.
"And get this. Third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of 'em, all happily married." Sam explains. 
"Ahh. Sounds like Ozzie and Harriet." Ellie jokes as she sits on Dean's bed.
"More like The Shining." Sam smirks.
"All right, well I guess we'd better have a look." Dean says as Ellie goes to stand up her phone starts to ring, she looks to see that it is Bobby. 
"Hey! Bobby! How you doing?" Ellie asks as she picks up the phone. 
"Hey squirt, I think I could do with your help on something." 
"Well, I was looking at what the next seal that could be broken, and I have come across this language that I can't translate, I asked around and apparently it's older than anything I ever heard of so I just wondered when you were with the angels they didn't say anything about their own language did they?" As Bobby is talking, Dean starts mouthing questions about the phone call, Ellie ignores this and turns away. 
"Yeah, it's called Enochian. Actually in Hell, Cas was able to give me the power to translate it. I might still be able to read it now. The boys have got a case but I'll hitch a ride and help?"
"That would be great squirt."
"Okay, see you soon Bobby." She smiles and hangs up the phone to turn around to see her brothers looking at her with a questioning look. "What?" 
"Well what the hell was that about?" Dean asks. 
"Bobby needs some help, he thinks he has some clues about a possible seal that can be broken, and since Cas gave me the power to read angel chat I said I'd hitch a ride to South Dakota to help out." Ellie explains with a shrug of the shoulders. Sam and Dean look at her with raised eyebrows. 
"El, weren't you listening? We have a case? Bedford, Iowa? Ring any bells, we were talking about it only seconds ago." Sam says to her, Ellie rolls her eyes at the middle Winchester's sarcasm. 
"Yes, Samuel, I heard. But I just figured two grown men could handle this case while I go and help Bobby. Or do you not think you can survive without me for a few days?" She asks looking at her brothers. Dean and Sam start mumbling and shrugging their shoulders. "That's what I thought." She starts to get her stuff ready as Dean stands up. 
"Woah, woah. I'm not comfortable about you going off alone to South Dakota." He tells his little sister. 
"Dean, I'm 23 and I walked through Purgatory for four months without either of you. I think I can handle getting to South Dakota. I appreciate your brotherly concern but don't you think I'm a little old for that now?" Ellie asks him, he points at her with a stern face.
"You're gonna have to deal with it because the brotherly concern will be going on until you're at least 40." He says causing Ellie to smirk, she quickly kisses his cheek and continues to pack. 

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