Family Remains

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Sam wakes from sleeping in the backseat of the car to see Dean and Ellie studying some papers. "What are you two doing?" He asks. 
"What's it look like we're doing?" Ellie retorts. 
"Like you're looking for a job." 
"Yahtzee." Dean mutters as Sam sits up and stretches. 
"We just finished a job like two hours ago." Sam explains. 
"Adrenaline's still pumping, I guess. So, what do you think... Cedar Rapids, Tulsa, or Chi-Town?" Dean asks. 
"I am all for working. I really am. But you got us chasing cases nonstop for like a month now. We need sleep." Sam tells them. 
"Yeah, we can sleep when we're dead." Ellie states. 
"You're both exhausted." Sam says. 
"I'm good." Dean mutters. 
"Lie." Ellie whispers. 
"No, you're not. You're both running on fumes, and you can't run forever." Sam says. 
"And what am I running from?" Dean asks causing Ellie to put her papers down. 
"From what you told us. Or are we pretending that never happened?" Ellie asks. 
"Stratton, Nebraska. Farm town. A man gets hacked to death in a locked room inside a locked house. No signs of forced entry." Dean explains. 
"Sounds like a ghost." Ellie adds. 
"Why are you encouraging him Ellie?" Sam asks. 
"If you can't beat 'em. Join 'em." She says with a shrug. 
"You know El, eventually you're gonna have to tell us what's going on." The middle Winchester states. 


The three Winchesters walk around the house, searching for clues. "Boy, three bedrooms, two baths, and one homicide. This place is gonna sell like hotcakes" Dean mutters as they enter the kitchen. He spots something on an empty piece of wall. "Hey, check this out." He knocks on the wall, it's hollow. "Huh."
"It's probably a dumbwaiter. All these old houses had them." Sam explains.
"Know-it-all." Ellie mutters, Sam whips his head around to look at his sister as Dean smirks. 
"What?" Ellie says pretending to be confused. 
"You said..." Sam starts. 
"Never mind." Sam says and walks away as Dean smirks at his little sister. They then enter a bedroom. 
"Well, no bloodstains, fresh coat of paint, it's a bunch of bubkes." Dean mutters as they all look around the room. Sam pulls out the EMF meter and walks around the room.
"Needle's all over the place." Sam says as Ellie goes to the window. 
"Yeah-power lines." She tells them as she points out of the window. 
"Great." Sam mutters. They look in the closet and there is a doll head on the floor. The three all look at it in discomfort. 
"Uh..." Ellie starts. 
"Well, that's super-disturbing." Dean state. 
"Think it got left behind?" Sam asks. 
"By who? Unless Bill Gibson likes to play with doll heads." Ellie says. Outside, a car and moving truck approach. 
"I thought you said this place was still for sale." Dean asks Sam. 
"Apparently, it's not." 

The three siblings walk outside to see a family unpacking. 
"Can I help you?" The man, Brian, asks. 
"Hi. Are you the new owner?" Sam questions. 
"Yeah. You guys are...?" Brian trails off. 
"This is Mr. Stanwyk, Miss. Henrys. I'm Mr. Babar. County code enforcement." Dean lies. 
"We had the building inspected last week. Is there a problem?" Brian asks. 
"Asbestos in the walls, a gas leak - yeah, I'd say we got a problem." Sam explains. 
"Asbestos? Meaning what?" The wife, Susan, asks.
"Meaning until this house is up to code, it's inhabitable." Ellie concludes. 
"Whoa whoa whoa. You're saying we can't stay here?" Brian say, the three shake their heads. 
"It's a health hazard. You don't want to." Dean tells them. 
"Hold up. We just drove four hundred miles." The other man, Ted, states. 
"There's a motel just down the road. Till this gets cleaned up, I suggest you stay there." The oldest Winchester explains. 
"All right, and what if we don't?" Brian hits back. 
"Well, you get a fine or you go to jail. Pick your poison." Ellie shrugs. 
"One night. One night, and I'll take care of everything. ASAP, I promise." Brian says to his family. 
"Yeah, you do that." Dean mutters. 
"Another motel? Awesome, Dad. I hope this one has hooker sheets, like the last one." The daughter snaps at him. 

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