I Know What You Did Last Summer

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Sam appears to be drunk and is playing pool with a man from the bar. "Brian, come on, man, just one more. Just - just give me a chance to win it back." Sam says. 
"It's your cash." Brian shrugs. 
"Excuse me. My brother's a little sauced to be making bets." Ellie says as her and Dean come up to them. 
"He insisted." The man tells them. 
"Yeah, but you've already taken, what, two bills off him? I'm just saying." Dean adds on. 
"Hey, shut up, guys. I'm fine." Sam slurs. 
"No. You're not fine. You're drunk!" Ellie snaps at him. 
"Let's make it five hundred." His brother and sister widen their eyes at him. 
"Five hundred?" Dean asks. 
"Sure." Brian smiles, Sam puts the money down on the pool table. "Five hundred. Your break." While Brian is looking down, Sam raises his eyebrows at his brother and sister who are smirking. For a second, there's no trace of drunkenness. Sam breaks, sinking several balls, then sees Ruby across the bar. 
"Keep the money." Sam mutters as he puts his cue down on the pool table and walks towards the demon. Both Dean and Ellie look on in bewilderment. 
"Keep the money? What-" Dean starts, Ellie then hits him and looks towards Sam and they both spot  Ruby. 
"Hey." Sam says as his brother and sister come up to them. 
"Well, you got a lot of nerve showing up anywhere near me." Dean snaps.
I just have some info, then I'm gone." Ruby tells them. 
"What is it?" Sam asks. 
"I'm hearing a few whispers."
"Ooh, great, demon whisperers - that's reliable." Ellie spits. 
"Girl named Anna Milton escaped from a locked ward yesterday. The demons seem pretty keen on finding her. Apparently, some real heavy hitters turned out for the Easter-egg hunt." The demon explains. 
"Why? Who is she?" Sam asks.
"No idea. But I'm thinking that she's important, 'cause the order is to capture her alive. I just figured that whatever the deal is, you might want to find this girl before the demons do." Ruby states. 
"Look, maybe we should check it out." Sam says to his siblings.
"Actually, we're working a case, but thanks." Dean lies. 
"What case?" Ruby asks. 
"Uh, we've got leads, big leads." Ellie adds on to her brother's point. 
"Sounds dangerous." The demon snaps at them. 
"Yeah, well, it sure ain't goose-chasing after some chuck who, for all we know, doesn't even exist, just because you say she's important." Dean states. 
"I'm just delivering the news. You can do whatever you want with it. Far as I'm concerned, I told you, I'm done." Ruby starts to walk away. 
"Wait, wait, wait. This hospital Anna escaped from - it got a name?" Sam asks. 


Dean is driving, Sam is speaking on the phone while Ellie is looking out the window. 
"Can I get a copy of the missing persons report? Great. Okay. Thanks." Sam hangs up the phone. "Well, Anna Milton's definitely real." 
"Don't mean the case is real. And this hospital's a three day drive." Dean mutters. 
"We've driven further for less, guys." Sam says as his brother and sister shakes his head. "You got something to say, say it." 
"Oh, I'm saying it - this sucks." Ellie says as she sits forward and Dean nods. 
"You two aren't pissed we're going after the girl. You're pissed Ruby threw us the tip." Sam states. 
"Right. 'Cause as far as you're concerned, the hell-bitch is practically family. Yeah, boy, something major must've happened while I was downstairs and Ellie was in Purgatory, 'cause we come back, and - and you're BFF with a demon?" Dean says. 
"I told you guys. She helped me go after Lilith." Sam says. 
"Well, thanks for the thumbnail -- real vivid. You want to fill in a little detail?" Ellie asks, Sam whips his head around to her. 
"Sure, El. Let's trade stories. You first. How was Purgatory. Or you Dean, how was Hell? Don't spare the details." Sam snaps.
"You never left Ellie."  


Sam is burying a box in a crossroad to summon a crossroad demon. He is crying and drunk. "Come on! Where the hell are you?" He shouts, a man in a suit appears behind him.
"I was wondering whether to come or not. I mean, you shot one of my co-workers. Don't take this the wrong way, Sam, but you don't look so hot, buddy. I guess burying your brother and loosing your sister didn't agree with you." The demon says. 
"Well?" Sam asks. 
"Well, let's see that special little knife of yours first." Sam takes out the knife and slams it down on an outdoor table. 
"No devil's traps either. I'm not here to play games." 
"Well, let me guess. You want to make a deal. And 'round and 'round the Winchesters go. I'm sorry, Sam. That's not gonna happen." The demon tells him. Sam tabs the knife into his hand. 
"I don't want ten years, I don't want one year. I don't want candy! I want to trade places with Dean and I want my sister back!" 
"Just take me! It's a fair trade!" Sam pleads.
"Why not? Lilith wants me dead. Just let Dean go, give me Ellie, and she can have me."
"Don't you understand, Sam? It's not about your soul. Dean's in Hell, right where we want him. Little Ellie Winchester is long gone. We've got everything exactly the way we want it. You want to kill me? Go ahead. I've made peace with my lord." 

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