It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester

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The three Winchesters are talking to a woman whose husband just died after coughing up razor blades. Sam talks to Mrs. Wallace as Dean and Ellie look around the house. 
"Now how many razor blades did they find?" Sam asks causing the woman to sigh.
"Two on the floor, one in his stomach and one was stuck in his throat. He swallowed four of them. How is that even possible?" She responds nearly in tears, she then sees Ellie looking around the front of the stove and in the oven door. "The candy was never in the oven." The youngest Winchester stands up at this and straightens her pencil skirt.
"We just have to be thorough, Mrs. Wallace." Ellie says with a tight smile. 
"Did the police find any razors in the rest of the candy?" Sam questions as Ellie walks over to Dean who is looking around on the floor. 
"No, I mean, I don't think so. I just - I can't believe it. You hear urban legends about this stuff, but it actually happens?" 
"More than you might imagine." Sam breathes out as Ellie nudges Dean and points to a hex bag tucked away in the back of a cupboard. They stand up and show Sam the hex bag from behind Mrs. Wallace's back, so she can't see. Sam sighs at this and looks at the teary woman. 
"Mrs. Wallace, did Like have any enemies?" He asks. 
"Enemies?" She repeats looking confused. 
"Anyone who might have held a grudge against him?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"Co-workers? Neighbors? Maybe a woman." Sam explains, Mrs. Wallace gets what he means and gets offended. 
"Are you suggesting an affair?" She snaps. 
"Is it possible?" Sam asks. 
"No! No, Luke would nev-" 
"I'm very sorry. We just have to consider all possibilities."
"If someone wanted to kill my husband, don't you think they'd find a better way than a razor in a piece of candy he might eat?" She asks them causing Sam to look over at his brother and sister, who raises their eyes at him. 


Sam and Ellie are sitting on the couch, Sam on his laptop while Ellie is reading a few books on the coffee table, flipping the pages of the books, she then picks up something from the hex bag holding it up. Dean enters the room and tosses his keys on the table under the window, and unwraps a piece of candy before tossing it in his mouth. Sam and Ellie watch him do this and raises their eyebrows at him. "Really? After that guy choked all those razor blades?" She asks her big brother. 
"It's Halloween, squish." He remarks causing Sam to scoff.
"Yeah, for us every day is Halloween." Dean sits down on the arm of the couch and looks over at his brother and sister's research.
"Don't be a downer. Anything interesting?" He asks. 
"Well, we're on a witch hunt, that's for sure, but this isn't your typical hex bag." Sam explains as Ellie indicates to the hex bag that is now open on the table. There is a silver piece, the size of a coin, and something small and charred in addition to a dried up flower. 
"Hmm, no?" He questions as he studies the hex bag. Ellie picks up the dried flower. 
"Goldthread, a herb that's been extinct for two hundred years. And this -" She picks up the silver piece. "is Celtic, and I don't mean new age knock off. It looks like the real deal, like 600 years old real." Dean picks up the small charred thing and smells it causing Ellie to glance at Sam and smirk.
"And umm... that is the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby." Sam tells him causing Dean to put the bone down quickly with a disgusted expression on his face. 
"Gross." He mutters, Sam picks up the bone. 
"Relax man, it's like, at least a hundred years old." Ellie turns to the middle Winchester. 
"Oh, right, like that makes it better? Witches, man, they're so friggin' skeevy." Ellie states causing Dean to nod at his sister and he moves over to the chair next to couch and sits down. 
"Yeah, well it takes a pretty powerful one to put a bag like this together. More juice than we've ever dealt with, that's for sure. What about you? Find anything on the victim?" Sam asks. 
"This Luke Wallace? He was so vanilla that he made vanilla seem spicy." Sam and Ellie scoff at this. "I can't find any reason why somebody would want this guy dead." 


The three Winchesters get wind that a teenager has been killed after her face was boiled in an apple bobbing bucket at a party. The three go down the stairs to the scene of the crime, they see a police officer talking to another teenager, Sam goes to join the questioning and Dean puts his hand up stopping him. "I got this one." He says and licks his lips causing Ellie to grimace at this.
"Two words: jail bait." Ellie tells him. 
"I would never-" Dean starts but Sam and Ellie just rolls their eyes at him and walk over to the couch, lifting the cushions, looking for a hex bag. 
"It's just so weird. The water in the tub - it wasn't hot, I had just been in there myself." The girl explains. 
"Your friend didn't happen to know a man named Luke Wallace?" Dean asks causing the girl to turn to him, and he holds up a badge. "Agent Seger, F.B.I." 
"Um, whos Luke Wallace?"
"He died yesterday." 
"I don't know who that is." She answers as Ellie holds up a hex bag that she found in the cushions, she shows her brothers who nod at her. 

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