Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester.

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Dean, Ellie and Bobby all get out of the car and see the Impala parked up outside. 
"Well, Sam's here." Dean says, Ellie takes a small breath in, thinking about seeing her brother. They slowly walk into the house and they hear Sam's voice shout. 
"Hey, I'm in here." Ellie slowly walks through to the living room to see Sam in the kitchen area grabbing a beer. He turns around to see his little sister standing there. 
"Hi, Sammy." Ellie smiles, Sam drops his beer and raises his gun at her. Ellie holds her arms out while Dean and Bobby rush in the middle of them. 
"Woah, woah. Sam, it is really her." Dean tells him, Sam slowly lowers his gun as Bobby and Dean move out of the way. Ellie rushes up to him and gives him a hug, Sam wraps his arms tightly around her small frame. 
"Where the hell have you been?!" Sam asks as they pull away, he looks at his sister seeing her cut up and bruised face. 
"That's the million dollar question we are all asking here Sammy." Dean says. "And she is about to tell us." Dean eyes his sister carefully, Ellie sighs at this and nods. 
"Lemme grab a beer for this one, then." Ellie says, she goes to the fridge to grab a bottle, as she's looking in the fridge she stands up and looks at the three men staring at her. "Do you have any food? I literally haven't eaten in four months." They all give her a questioning look but Sam goes to his bag and pulls out a burger, she smiles at him and goes to sit down drinking her beer. They all sit down and watch her. 
"Alright, so you know after Dean bit it. Well, Lilith obviously tried to kill us, I just remember this fire engulfing my whole body but then I woke up in this cabin. There is where I met Cas for the first time. He told me about the plan to get Dean out of Hell but he couldn't do it alone. For the angels to get into Hell they needed someone to open the door for them." Ellie explains. 
"And that someone was you?" Sam asks, Ellie nods. 
"They told me I am the Winchester boys' protector, which I quite liked, thought it was quite catchy. I might get it on a t shirt." Ellie jokes, she sees that none of the men were laughing so she just coughs and carries on. "Have you guys heard of Purgatory?" 
"What that is an actual place?" Bobby asks, Ellie nods at this. Sam and Dean both look at Ellie then Bobby. 
"Purgatory? I mean I've heard of it, but what is it?" Dean questions. 
"It's like the backside of your worst nightmares. It's all blood and bone and darkness. Filled with the bodies and souls of all things, hungry, sharp and nasty." Bobby explains. 
"It's where all the things we kill go, to just kill or be killed again." Ellie adds on. 
"Okay, so what has that gotta do with anything?" Sam asks. 
"Because I needed to go through Purgatory to get to Hell, there is... I guess you would call it a back door to it. So Cas sent me there and for four months I walked through Purgatory, you don't eat, sleep or drink in there, all you know is the hunt. Everything else goes out of the window. I lost track of the amount of things I killed, the amount of times I was nearly killed. But then, I found the door to Hell and I managed to get the angels in. That is the simplified version." Ellie explains and sighs. She looks up and sees her brothers and Bobby looking at her intently. 
"So you're telling me you were basically also in Hell for four months...." Dean trails off, he then stands up in an angry manner. "What the hell were you thinking Ellie!? You could have been killed! By the looks of you, you nearly were!" Dean shouts at her, Ellie also gets up and gets in front of him. 
"Well, what was I supposed to do Dean?! You were in Hell! I definitely was not gonna leave you there! So you wanna get angry, get angry. You wanna take a swing? Go ahead, it's not gonna make a difference! Don't pretend if the roles were reversed you wouldn't have done the exact same thing!" Ellie snaps, Dean looks taken aback by this and all three men can see that these four months changed her. She slowly looks at Sam. "Sammy, I am sorry. I tried to make them tell you what I was doing but they said no one could know. They couldn't risk anyone knowing I was alive. Sorry too, Bobby." Ellie tells them softly, they give her a small smile and she shakes her head. "Now if you boys excuse me, I have not showered in four months so I think I am overdue one now. You didn't buy any chance keep my duffel bag did you?" She asks, Sam nods and throws her the keys. 
"Yeah, it's on the backseat. I knew you'd be back." Sam says with a smile, Ellie smiles back at him and goes over to give him a hug again. 
"I've missed you, Sammy." She whispers in his ear. 
"I love ya El, but you do stink so get off me." Sam jokes back, she laughs and goes to shower. 
Dean, Bobby and Sam just sit there in silence for a second. 
"Does she seem different to you?" Sam asks. Bobby and Dean both nod. 
"Yeah, she's changed a lot now. She doesn't look 23 any more. On the way here, she had a nightmare." Dean states, Sam scrunches his nose in confusion. 
"Nightmare? Ellie hasn't had one of those since she was like 12." Sam says, Dean nods at this. 
"You boys can't be pushing her to talk. That girl has obviously gone through a lot." Bobby tells them. 
"But she's our little sister. Come on, Bobby. Even you can see she has changed!" Dean exclaims. Bobby doesn't respond, he just goes over and sits at his desk.
"How about we focus on the task in hand, angels?" Bobby asks, Sam looks at them all confused. 
"Wait wait wait I am going to need to be caught up here." Sam says, Dean sighs and begins to tell him what happened.

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