Authors Note

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Let me start by saying I am so sorry for disappointing anyone who was waiting for the next chapter and I'm so sorry that I didn't uphold my promise to update quicker.

I thought I should at least explain instead of leaving you guys in the dark and just get it out there that I've been finding it difficult to find inspiration but I do have some ideas one what to write. I'm just trying to figure out how to implement those ideas into the story without it being random.

I also began writing something more original and new and I've been working on that for around a year, but I only started writing it a few months ago so I guess my focus has been more on that.

But since some of you want to me to continue the story and find out what happens yet I will try my best to continue but I apologise in advance for when I will probably take ages to update. 

You guys are probably fed up with me and I don't blame you, I hate when authors leave the book unfinished too. I just didn't think people liked this book enough for me to continue but I've read your comments and clearly a few of you do.

Since the previous book is doing so well I can't really abandon this one either, I mean it's got over 100k which is insane! I literally never expected that at all, especially because I wrote it when I was much younger. 

I only wrote in the first place for myself and I'm so glad other people liked it too, it really made me feel more valued that others liked something I had done on my own (apart from the fact it's a fanfiction).

Anyway, aside from all rambling and excuses, please bear with me, this is a really bad time to get back into this because of my studies and stuff. I swear I will use all my spare time to put thought into finishing this story and produce something decent for you guys. 

Thank you so much for support on both my published stories, it's really what's been encouraging me to continue this book. I'm going to stop writing my new book (which is not Harry Potter related by the way) and I'll save it for when I've gotten back into the swing for this book.

On a completely unrelated note, ZAYN's new album came out today, I'm listening to it right now it is honestly amazing, I recommend his music to everyone so I'll do it for you guys too.

Thank you for reading so far and if you've read this too, I'm sorry if you were expecting a new chapter, I'll try to update at least once by the end of this month. I also hope everyone is staying safe from miss rona, I myself am going to have my first lockdown birthday tomorrow so that will be interesting.

Stay safe, stay home if you can, keep reading and stream Nobody is Listening :)

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