Chapter 7

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Shit shit shit! Where the hell is that damn leather book?!

I relentlessly searched through all the cabinets and drawers in sight, I even turned over each of the girls' mattresses, completely messing up the once tidy room. That didn't stop me though. The most important thing on my mind was finding that leather diary that I've written in since I was able to write.

Sure, it's mainly my past that I've written about, but there are things in there that I've written recently which absolutely cannot get out. Things about people here, some are full on essays about my opinions about certain people others are shorter. The last thing I need is for people to attack me with words of how I shouldn't judge people, it's my thoughts and I can choose what I do with them - at least I've had the courtesy of recording everything in a heavily guarded book, which is still lost.

I was so caught up in tearing the room apart, that I didn't even see or hear Layla come back from her shower. It was only when she began to snap her fingers right in front of my face.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" She asked calmly, trying to calm myself down in the process.

"No! Either I'm going insane or someone has taken my diary!" I grasped my head in my hands as I collapsed down onto my bed.

"Calm down, Nova. I'm sure we'll find it, it's probably lying around here somewhere. How would anyone even know about it anyway?" She asked rhetorically.

"Lay, you don't understand, no one can read what I've written. It will completely blow my cover, and my brother's!" I tried to show the urgency with my harsh whispers.

"Fine, fine. Who do you think might have taken it?" She asked in defeat.

"Any girl in this dorm, but the only one who knows about it is you." I replied lying back with a hand covering my eyes.

"All I can tell you is that I don't have it.' She said beginning to brush her hair.

"I guessed that for myself." I said, my sentence dripping with sarcasm.

"Merlin, Nova." She rolled her eyes. "Let's just get downstairs and see if any of the girls have it."

"You know what, I bet its Pansy fucking Parkinson." I said growling as I followed Layla out of the dorm room.

Draco POV

"Crabbe, Goyle! Stop gawking at the girls and come here, now." I shouted across the room as I sat in the armchair.

"Yes Draco." They replied with slight fear, as they always did.

I studied the two oafs more closely and saw that their cheeks were tinted with the colour red. It seemed Crabbe especially had sweaty palms as he tried to hide how he was violently wiping them on his cloak. It really amazed me how I was left with these dim sheep as companions.

"Well?" I ask with a scoff.

"Erm." They both look at each other and shake their heads.

"What is going on over there that you two were so fascinated by?"

They were both gaping at me shamefully, clearly not knowing how to respond. Of course I knew why they were over there, it was just more fun to have them explain themselves.

"You know." Crabbe replied sheepishly.

"-girls." Goyle laughed awkwardly.

"Honestly Draco, let them breathe." Blaise rolled his eyes while taking a seat on the chair next to me.

"Why should I? It's funny seeing them squirm." I smirked.

"Well whatever floats your boat." Blaise rose his hands in surrender.

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