Chapter 6

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"So let me get this straight." Layla said for the fifth time. "You're father was taken away and sent to Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit but the person that did do it was one of the people that you're father supposedly killed?"


"And now you're mother has told you to change your identity so people don't know that you and your brother are related and they also don't know that your dad is a mass murderer for the purpose of your own safety."

"He's not a murderer." I gritted through my teeth.

"Ok, sorry. This is just a lot to take in, and I'm not sure if I believe you or not, it does seem far fetched."

"Layla you asked for the truth, and I'm sorry if it's not good enough for you. I just thought there could be one person that I could confide with."

"Nova, I'm sorry, I guess I am being insensitive." She says dropping her head slightly.

"No I understand how it all sounds. But I'm not making this up."

"I believe you, and I trust you." She said pulling me in for a hug. "And I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that, growing up without your dad."

"Thank you."

"Wanna go get something to eat?" She said smiling at me.

"No thanks, I'll meet you later though."

"Oh? Where you off too?"

"Just the library, and casual wandering around the castle."

"Sounds like fun." She chuckled sarcastically. "I'll see you later then."

I gave her a final wave then quickly dashed away from where we had been talking so I could escape to the library. Along the way I could here people gossiping about Harry which made me wonder if he had gotten expelled already. As I listened closer, they were saying how Mcgonagall had put him forward to be the seeker for Gryffindor's Quidditch team. Bloody hell he flew on a broom once and is already getting all this attention, oh well I guess that's what happens when you're famous.

After a few minutes of struggling, I found the magnificent library and immediately hurried over to a particular window seat that had and amazing view of the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake. I brought out my sketchbook from my bag and started drawing all that I could see.

Soon enough I got tired of sketching the scenery and flipped over the page of my book then began nibbling on the end of my pencil trying to think of something new to draw. I had never been very good at drawing original pieces unless I was feeling a specific emotion at that time, so as I reminisced the emotions from past times and idea shortly popped into my head. Before I began to draw again, I wiped my cheek clear of an emotion that strayed too far, then set my pencil to the paper.

"You know the purpose of a library is to look at books." Someone scoffed.

Immediately I closed my book then looked up at where the statement had come from.

"Then why aren't you looking at any instead of bothering me?" I crossed my arms over my book.

"Because... touché." He sighed, surprising me with his lack of persistence.

"What are you doing here?" I asked realising that he wasn't leaving any time soon.

"Oh, you know, what one usually does in a library." He replied sheepishly.

"Reading I'm assuming."

"No I just come to the library to stare at pretty girls." He rolled his eyes before realising what he had just said.

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