Chapter 2

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Nova POV

Finally, I muttered to myself.

I sat down in the first empty compartment I could find and got myself comfortable. The compartment was quite plain, with two brown leather couch seats opposite each other and shelves on top of them. But there was a window on the side, overlooking the scenery surrounding the train. Right now it was just the station, soon changing into the landscape of rolling hills and blue skies.

So I decided to get out my sketch book and start sketching my interpretation of the scenery. I never like to draw things how they are because it's usually fake or has a hidden secret, I tend to read into situations a little deeper than what's on the outside. Take me for example, I can put on a happy face to others around me, but inside I'm trying to hide the fact that my father is locked away in Azkaban. No one is who they appear to be. I guess it's just another ability I have, rather than regular magic that is.

As content as I was, it of course had to be interrupted by a knock on the compartment door.

"Oh, um, excuse me?" I looked up to the door way. "I'm really sorry, but is it ok if I sit here? The other compartments are filling up." A pale boy with dark hair and circular glasses covering his blue eyes spoke to me.

"Yeah sure." I said shuffling over a bit.

He smiled and then sat across from me, allowing me to continue my sketch. Quickly, I glanced up from my book and got a better look at him, he seemed awfully familiar but I thought it was best to ignore it. I looked up again, over at him again, and saw that he was staring at me.

"Hi." I said, snapping him out of his trance.
"Hello." He said shyly as he fiddled with his glasses.
"You don't talk much." I chuckled.

He bowed his head with embarrassment and then started to fiddle with his sleeve.

"Well I can help with that." His ears perked up. "Hi I'm Nova, nice to meet you." I held out my hand.
"I'm Harry." He smiled back at me.
"Well Harry-" I was cut off before I could continue.

"Excuse me? Do you mind?" A knock came again at the door, "everywhere else is full."

Harry looked at me for a reply, I simply sighed then answered with a yes. He then sat down next to me and started to make small talk with Harry.

I decided to continue my sketch, so I blocked out the sounds of their voices and tried to concentrate.

"Oh I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley." The red-head stated.
"I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

My eyes widened, and I looked up from my sketch book, Ron was was in shock of being in the presence of a celebrity; me? I was in shock of being in the presence of the one person I wasn't supposed to meet.

"You're Harry?" I mumbled to myself.
"Do you have the um?" He pointed towards his forehead.
"Oh yeah." Harry pushed back the hair from his forehead and revealed a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt.

It was as if that lightning bolt had struck me, because my mind began to flash back to that night all those years ago, when my Aunt and Uncle died. When Harry got that scar. I shivered with fear and began to feel cold all over.

"Are you ok Nova?" Harry asked.
"Yes, obviously." I scoffed.

Ron raised his brow at me and then looked at Harry and rose his eyebrows silently judging me -to sugarcoat it.

"Sorry I'm fine, thanks for asking." I said again, then rolled my eyes when I turned to the window.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" An old lady came in front of the door with a trolley full of sweet treats.

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