Chapter 8

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I rounded another corner and passed through more columns, soon reaching the entrance to the girls bathroom. As far as I could tell, no 'troll' had come by or was close to coming in, so I took it as a green light to enter.

It was just as quiet as it had been previously, aside from the infrequent sniffling sounds coming from Hermione. Closing the main door behind me, I approached the green cubicle and softly knocked against the wood.

"Hermione, are you still in there?"

She took a deep breath before quietly replying with a short, "Yes."

I didn't really want to startle her with the news that a troll could arrive at any moment, so I attempted to calmly coax her out.

"You know, people were getting worried, maybe you should come out, now." The urgency was clear in my voice.

"I guess you're right." She said while unlocking the door.

I heard another unlocking noise, followed by a door being open but I just assumed it was still Hermione. Then I heard footsteps slowly approaching right behind me. When I looked up from the ground, I saw Hermione looking up, behind me while remaining silent. I didn't need to turn around to know what was there, the smell and low grunts were enough to alert me.

"Go back inside." I slowly whispered.

She nodded, not taking her eyes off of the creature towering over me. Once Hermione had locked the door once again, I dashed to the other side of the room hoping to find some way of protecting myself. Just as I had decided to hide myself by the sinks, the large troll had already taken a swing with his equally large club, crushing the tops of all the bathroom stalls. A scream rang through the room, signalling to me that the Gryffindor was not yet harmed, so I took it as the opportunity to try and take the beast on myself.

As I rose up, with my wand at hand, I began to raise my arm in the direction of the troll. But in one swift movement, I was knocked down while my wand was thrown across the room. I looked behind me and shot a glare at Hermione for bumping into me, but she was busy scurrying out from under the pile of broken wood.

It was only then that I realised she had been instructed to move when Harry and Ron appeared from nowhere and started throwing the pieces of broken wood at the troll; all while Hermione was helplessly screaming for help. Before I could realise what was going on, I stood up, quickly rushing over to aid the boys in their attempt to subdue the troll. Pieces of wood began to fly through the air, hitting the troll as I kept picking up broken pieces from the ground. While it was distracted for mere seconds, the creature's gaze landed back on the previously weeping girl who had taken cover in my space under the sinks.

My head snapped in her direction as I heard her continue to cry for help. When I looked back at the boys, I noticed that Harry no longer stood in his place; in fact, he was running over to the troll. I don't know what the hell he thought he could do to stop it, but it surprised me when he hung onto the end of the troll's club and allowed it to pull him up so he was sat on it's shoulders.

Ron, Hermione and I watched as Harry stuck his wand up the creature's nose only to be tossed back and forth by the relentless troll; yet he managed to maintain his grip around it's head. When the troll eventually got ahold of him, it strung Harry upside down, only holding him by his ankles, preparing to swing the club his way. We were all soon broken from the haze when Harry shouted at us to take action.

I patted my cloak down with urgency but soon realised my wand had been flung to the opposing end of room. My head quickly turned in Hermione's direction in hopes of her being able to help Harry. To my dismay she continued to cling onto the the pipes of the sinks for dear life; and they call themselves brave. My attention was then turned to Ron who brought out his wand, directing the tip towards the troll.

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