Chapter 4

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Nova POV

As I got closer to the couch he was sitting on, his face came into vision and I could see who I was talking too.

"How did you get in here?" I said crossing my arms, whilst trying to balance Nutmeg on them.

"The password really wasn't hard to guess." He laughed.

"Ok, then why did you come here. I'm pretty sure you were disappointed I got sorted into Slytherin."

"Well I obviously wasn't thrilled. I wanted my little sister to be in my house."

"She wanted to be as well. But it could be worse, I could have gone to another school." I sighed.

"It is what it is anyway, I heard you poured a drink on that Malfoy kid." He smirked at me.

"He deserved it." I laughed as I sat on the armchair beside him.

"I bet Mum would have loved that, and Dad, Mum told me he hated that family."

"I bet they'd be disappointed I got into Slytherin, especially Dad." I said looking downward, twiddling with my thumbs.


"Hey!" I said a bit too loudly, smacking him playfully.

"I'm kidding, they'd just be happy you got into Hogwarts in the first place."

"I guess. Hey how did you know I'd be up now?"

"Nutmeg sent me a heads up." He said moving his hand to stroke her.

I tilted my head and arched my brow at him.

"You always stay awake when you're sleeping in a new bed."

"That's a little creepy that you know that."

"I'm your brother, I notice these things."

"Still creepy. Oh and don't announce to everyone that you're my brother, Mum will get mad."

"I know, but that's what makes it so fun." He grinned.

There was suddenly a quiet shuffling coming from the passage way to the girls dorms.

"Crap, you have to go." I said lightly pushing Jay.

"Ok ok, calm down, I'm going." He said before getting up and walking towards the exit.

"Jay! Don't be so obvious that we're related, ok?" I whispered loudly.

"Yes I know, Nova." He groaned.

A few seconds later he was out of the common room, I took it as my opportunity to sneak back up to my dorm and try and get some sleep; also to prove my brother wrong.
I got into the uncomfortable bed and set Nutmeg aside me on my pillow, then closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come upon me.


The next morning was my first proper day of school. I woke up to the soft rays of sunlight on my face. After a few tired blinks, I looked around the room to see that everyone had already gotten ready and left for breakfast, even Layla.

I got up and went over to the bathroom to get ready. But when I looked in the mirror I saw that my eyes were red and I had purple bags under my eyes. I groaned with annoyance then took out my wand to try and conceal as best as I could as well as maintain my thick black hair.
After that I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Then I went back over to my bed and got out my school clothes: my newly green robes and tie, white shirt and black skirt with tights - just the usual uniform clothes.

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