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Name: Luke Sailer

Nickname: Solo wizard , yin

Species/Race: Human

Gender: Male


Job: mage s-class wizard, wizard saint

Guild: independent but joins fairy tail later

Appearance: he looks like Kirito

Magic/Power: Dragon Slayer amd God slayer

Personality: dandare , Lazy ,and nice at times to his sister

Likes: He likes to sleep , Food, and Fun his exceed.

Dislikes: Transportation

Relations: Elis his feternal twin sister (they are different in appearance and gender) Zeus a god is their dad (explained in later chapters ) mom unknown

Background: He amd Elis were abandon on a forest at age of 1 ,acnologia foster dad found them and began to teach apocalypse dragon slaying magic.He leaves on the x777 when they were 11. They start looking for him. Become wizard saints, and then they join fairy tail.

Name: (y/n) Sailer

Nickname: solo wizard , yang

Species/Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Job: mage s-class wizard, wizard saint

Guild: independent joins fairy tail later

Appearance: asuna but with raven hair

Magic/Power: Dragon Slayer and God slayer

Personality: she is very childish doesn't take anything serious, but when serious she is able to destroy everything in her way she can beat Luke when taking the fight seriously. She is always calm for the very reason.

Likes: food (more like obsess ) cute things, and pranking people

Dislikes: spiders (during famous battles after

Relations: Luke, and DJ(Diana, Justice ) her exceed , Zeus a god is their dad , mom unknown but is a re equip mage and demon slayer.

Background: same as luke

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