17 years of adventure

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~(y/n)'s Pov ~

We were born in x766 acnologia  found us , 2 years later  , acnologia  left when we were 11  in year x777 we started our journey at twelve  , the current  year is x784  it's  been  7 years  since we started our  journey . We are mow 16 we are turning 17 tomorrow hopefully  everything  will be  good.  We are leaving  bosco it's a  good place but we have to continue to travel. We heard of this strong  guild named Fairy tail we actually now someone  from there . Her name is Erza Scarlet.

~flashback ~
I was  buying  some cake cause it looked like a good place. This girl came near the  shop and asked for the same cake as me . The shop manager  said " I'm sorry  but it  seems  like  we only have this cake left would one of you be interested  in another type " we looked at each other  a dark aura  surrounded  her and me my brother said " (y/n) there are other types of  cake " I  looked at him and said " that cake is famous  for its only baked in this store" the owner  said "I'm  glad someone knows about it " the teen said "how about we split  it "  " are you crazy you can't  split it the cake won't  taste the same it is a ritual  to eat  it all by itself  the only reason it's  unique because they use magic to create  it its  only bake around  this time  of year" the girl looked at ,e and said really  the baker nooded I  then proposed  a deal  "let's  make a deal you keep it  and next  time we meet  up and theres only on I  get to keep it"she said it  wouldn't be fair I  smiled and said I have tried it before and it  looks like you haven't.  She nooded " Erza, Erza Scarlet" she said "(y/n) Sailer,  that's my brother Luke and his exceed  Fun , and D.J  short for Diana Juliet shes my exceed " she smiled and thanked me we shook  hands  I was able to  see her future  " Your from fairy tail  rigth" she looked  suprised but said " yes, but how do you know" I  smiled and explained  I  can see objects  and peoples future  when I  have contact with them " You should join Fairy tail" said Erza  "  Thanks  , but we still have a journey  to  complete but trust  me  we will meet again this time in your guild" she nooded and left for sne had to ride a train we said our goodbyes.
~end of flashback ~

  "Hey Luke remember  that girl we ran into in that shop in bosco.  He nooded we are almost near fiore . And I  heard this rumor of a destruction  dragon  around  there maybe we should  check  it out" I said .  He hmmmin response.  Acnologia  you better be  there. We finally left bosco . " luke we can't  travel by foot theres a canyon  we have to cross" I  said  he paled when I  said that.

~time skip ~  ( at train station )

Fun and I  were at the train  station  I  use Troia  on  luke so he was good. The spell lost effect  on him he was puking  over the window.  I was mortified there was a spider egg at the bottom  of  my seat. This is a living hell I'm gonna die.

~time skip ~ ( magnolia )

We arrived  fun and D.J  help me get Luke of the  train  station.  Many children were asking for autographs or hugs we performed some magic "Ice make : Snow Pegasus " a Pegasus  sculpture  was made then Luke took over " puppet " he touched  my Pegasus  the Pegasus  came to life it  was truly  a beautiful  sight th kids were cheering  . A priest  came to is " I'm  sorry for the children bothering  you" I smiled while the kids were playing " Oh no its our pleasure  to  make them smile " the priest smiled at us " Excuse me but how come the children  seemed  to  be  working  " the priest  sighed  and said " the orphanage  is running  low on money  we started  to volunteer  to  help  the  citizens and earn  a  few jewels  enough  for them to eat" we smiled at this luke then  said " Sir if this is no  trouble  we would  like to help but we have to settle  first " tje priest smiled and said " Your magic is truly beautiful  maybe  you can perform  in our show next week " we nooded in agreement " sorry  to bother you again but you know  this place do you kmow were Fairy tail  is located " tne priest  gave us directions . We said bye  to the children  we gave each one 5j each enough  for a fruit  they all ran to shops.  ~time skip ~ 

We arrived  at  the supposed  guild (this is before the lord phantom ) we opened  the guild doors the guild  members  looked  at  us . Then I  saw erza "Erza you  have grown " she looked  at me for a second "(y/n) Sailer " she said "The one and only " she smiled and shook  my hand " Hello Luke , Fun, D.J " the all looked at her and waved " So this is what you guild  is like " she smiled "Hey did you happen to see a dragon "everyone  seemed  suprised  by  my question  their master walked  foward  and said "Tne yin-yang twins plesure  to meet you" we bowed our heads all the guild members paled. "The what" said some one the all looked at him " Natsu the yin-yang twins are two wizard  saints  who are famous  for  saving  cities  and people and were declared  wizard saints  at a young  age " explained their masters "Natsu they took down 6 dark guilds" said  a man with raven hair " Wait Dragneel?  is a person the destruction  dragon  is a person" Luke and I looked down and said " Gomen  for our disturbance  of your daily  guild  activities " the old man  said "You  don't  have to  apologize , and who's  your dragon"  we looked at each other " migth as well sit sir " he looked at us as if we were joking but did as told " Our dragon is known as the black dragon or the destruction dragon or his actual  name acnologia " everyone seemed suprised then the master looked at  us and said  " I see natsu  is known as the destruction dragon " we looked  at each  other  and nooded "Sir we will take our leave "  we  were  about  to  leave when a  little boy said "Why don't  you  join we have a dragon Slayer you can look with him" I stood  dumbfounded so did Luke "Uh.. wel ... you ... se- they think that is not appropriate  to join " we were both cut of by D.J the old man  smiled and said " I  think  you'll  fit in but before you join  you'll  figth the s-class wizards " he said "Okay well  try not to go for reals" the master sweat dropped "Mirajane, Erza, Laxus let's  go to the aren" we headed to the arena "(whispering) Luke who are you gonna  take the dude looks scary , the snow haired  looks nice and erza well also nice" he looked  at  me and said "the dude" he said "WHAT" everyone looked  at  me " sorry" the master explained  the rules " okay ready " he asked "ready" we all said the man only hn in response. The nice girls aren't  so nice looking  the man just stood there. "Oh luke looks like I'll  have more fun" i said he death glared at me "fine" i said "ready  in 2" he said "2" i said "Ice make : floor" the floor  was ice and they were trapped "Luke one blow make it quick" everyone Swea dropped "Water dragon : tsunami"  the whole  area was now wet and they were coughing  the man shot lightning at me I  stayed  there and luke just caught it and ate it "greedy " i mumbled I  remembered the people and the girls were changing  forward us "Equip "  I  equipped  to my regular armor  so did luke "Told you never judge the power of girls never bro never " Luke shot me a look "I  summoned  my element fire swords while Luke summomd his knight cards "Luke you Baka that thing is pervy" oh my god too late "What's in a name?That which we call a rose by any other name would smell a sweet"(william shakespeare ) a thick mark appeared in my head "Duke just figth" I said " I  shall figth for the love of my fair maiden " oh god flirt " ready " they shot us through  our figth but luckily one of the swords went  through  it and now I  can use the attack  at my advantage  "release " duke then jump  and fused my swords  into one he hit all of them and ko for them "weak" I  mumbled I  looked at the master and he seemed  calm the audience freak out. I used a spell (made up) "open up door of father time: Ace" then a youmg man came out of the sky "Ace-" What were you thinking  you know duke isn't  made for puny figths either  way serenity : bodh time" they were all back to normal "they actually  made me change armor" luke bonked me "they actually  made a good warm up. "Sorry if we went  to  hard on you guys hahaha" Mirajane  smiled and said it was okay . "Children  looks like  your s-class wizards now" we smiled and I looked at Ace "Ace you know-" "yeah I  know  ur father won't  be  happy since u  don't  summon  him" Hahahahaha "whatever. .." I said waving him off Ace looked hurt "Child you know he never knew about  your existence" I sighed fine "tell  him I  lo- care about  him" ace smiled at me and  said " Love  it is " wait what "Ace don't  you dare " he closed his door  "he closed  his door on me " luke just shook his head we got our guild  marks  mines is in my left shoulder and Lukes  on his rigth  shoulder his is silver with black outlining mine is gold with white outlining.  And D.J got hers on her back so did fun. We bougth  a house up in a hill is near fairy  hall its a good place. A lot of room and a good view for only 200,000,000j the  guild wants to know about who is "father" so we are gonna explain it to them.


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