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Reidar knows a few moves, so he shows me a few basics. They both want me to practice using a shield, so Torsten goes to the weapons shack and, after a few minutes, comes back with a circular shield with the village crest on it. I have seen many others wear this shield, but I have never used one. I am an archer. Or, used to be. I am now it all, a warrior.

After getting a good grip on the shield, Reidar having to reposition it a few times, I can at least hold a sword and the shield at the same time. Reidar demonstrates how to use the shield in the best way, the stances that make it the most beneficial. Then we start learning how to use the sword as you would in battle.

Torsten starts off easy, with just gentle taps of his sword against mine. The weight of the sword is still odd in my hand. Torsten can clearly see my discomfort.

"I know it's a little weird at first. You went from a feather-light bow, being way at the back of an army," Torsten reassures me, "and now you are forced to be at the front, participating in hand-to-hand combat."

"I'm not being forced into this." I stand firm. "I could very well go back to my cave and hide, and leave everything to you, but because I love this village, I will defend it with all that I have." Hearing these words come out my mouth gives me a burst of strength.

Torsten nods. "And you will do just that." He draws his sword again and advances.

We exchange hits, and sparks fly off our swords. I get a few good hits, but so does Torsten. We both have a few new bruises to show. Many times, Torsten makes way for a reason for me to use my shield. It also has a few new scratches.

Torsten gets me to use a spear and we practice for another hour.

When the moon is climbing up the horizon, Torsten looks to the skies. "You should get back. The other warriors are going to be training soon."

I nod and begin to start packing up. My sword and a few daggers lie in the corners of the Loop. I'm about to put them all back into the weapons shack, but Torsten puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Keep them. You'll need them." Torsten gets a belt from the rack, looks me over, chooses a different one, then hands it to me. "This one should fit."

I take it and wrap it around my waist. Buckling the belt, I can feel it's a perfect fit. I smile, and Torsten hands me my daggers. I strap them on either side of my belt. I strap the sword to the left side of my belt as well. They don't feel as much at home as my bow, but I have a feeling they have potential. Reidar hands me my cloak.

I pull it on, yanking the hood low over my face. "No one must hear I am back, or there will be a riot." I say. "We all are playing a dangerous game. Though it is for the good of our village, the Chief might not see it that way." He will not see it that way. We all share a solemn nod.

I look at Reidar. "I am staying at Torsten and Mary's house, so you need to be the most careful."

Reidar nods. "My life will be just as much in danger as yours if someone finds out." He puts a hand on my shoulder. "I will keep your secret, as it is now ours."

I smile. "I'm glad you're with us, Reidar."

He smiles a small smile back. "Glad to be here."

Torsten finishes up packing up his own things and walks towards the barricaded door. "Time to get going. The new recruits will be here soon, and though we could use with more people, I don't think the whole army will be on our side." Torsten gives a small chuckle.

Hoping my hood covers my face and my tail is tucked under my cloak, together we step back out into the bustling village. Staying to the shadows, even if I'm covered. No one approaches us this time.

Reidar waves good-bye to us and we go our separate ways.

When we get back to Torstens house, the pile of food has inflated, but Mary's movements have slowed. When Torsten opens the door, her head whips around.

"Ah, you're back!" She comes over to give us both a hug.

I can hear Torsten say to his mother, "Call her Liv," in a quiet whisper. She gives a small nod and smiles at me.

"Glad to see you again too, Liv!" She backs up to go to the table. "Come have some food. You must be starving."

Torsten shakes his head. "No, Mother, you have some food. You have been working all day, and clearly have had nothing to eat."

Mary had bags under her eyes, which are dull and tired. Her back is slouched, and her hands hang limply by her sides. She sighs. "Yes." She turns. "I have been working a lot."

Torsten comes over to help her. "Come with me." He leads her to the stairs, and she carefully walks up the creaking steps. But before she makes it to the top, Mary looks down at me.

"Have some food. Please. I insist." She gives a motherly smile.

I smile at the pile of food on the counters and table. I pick up a bread roll and raise it to Mary. "For you." I take a bite, and my mouth is overwhelmed. I have had her rolls before, but never so fresh out of the oven. "Amazing." I say with a full mouth.

Mary gives a small smile and continues up the steps.

I can hear Torsten talk to his mother and shut the door behind him. He comes downstairs again just as I'm finishing the bread roll.

Torsten looks at me. "You should go back now. There won't be anywhere to stay, now that it's daylight."

I nod. "It was good training with you. When can we do it again?"

Torsten thinks for a second. "Well, if we're getting attacked soon, like in the next few hours, so you should probably stay close."

Oh yeah. The fight will start soon.

I nod. "I'll go to my cave, but I'll be ready." I pat my sword on my hip.

Torsten nods. "Be safe."

I nod to him and pull my hood over my head. He opened the door for me and I walk through. This time, I try to keep to the shadows. I don't need anybody seeing me go into the woods after walking around with Torsten.

Trying to act the least suspicious, I slick into the cover of the woods. After a few minutes of walking into the forest, I pick up the pace, running so my cloak billows out behind me. But just before I reach the cave, my eyes gravitate towards the note tree. A little piece of paper is fluttering in the wind.

Addison has written back!

I steer myself towards the tree and when I reach it, I pluck the note from the tree. I look it over, but then decide to read it in peace. I keep running to the cave.

Maybe she's brought back some things for the war. We could definitely use the help. The whole way there, I think about all the possibilities that could be said in her letter.

Home sweet home, as much as it can be after staying with Mary and Torsten, I open the curtain at the entrance. I unclasp the sword sheath and lay it by my side as I sit down to read the note.

Dear Kalaya

How have you been? It's been so long since we have seen each other, I miss you! Do you have some time to meet up? There is so much to tell you.

How has the preparations for the war been? The things I have come back with, I believe there is not much of a chance of us winning. I hope the Chief will at least let you fight a little.

I hope you are well. Hopefully I will see you soon.


She's back! After so long, we're back!

I go to the pile of things I have in the corner and grab a piece of parchment and a new pen. Then I go to my blankets and sit down to begin writing back. 

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