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"What are you doing here?" The Chief says in a stern voice.

I take a deep breath. "I'm here to save the village." The Chiefs face contorts to control his rage. "I know you are tired, and have almost nothing left to give, but I have plenty, and I am ready to serve." I step forward a little. "You need a break, but one that your people won't feel like they are being thrown away into a war they can't win without help."

The Chief leans forward and says, "I'm so touched by your concern for me and what I'm doing," He stands up again. "But I'm fine. I have plenty to give my people and I do not need your help to give it." He waves his hand to the door. "Now, if that is all you're here for, please leave. Now." He looks over to Sten and nods. Sten walks to me and is about to put his hand on my shoulder, but I swat it away.

"You need my help." I say in an equally stern voice. "They have an army, one that you don't even know about, surrounding you on all sides. Don't you think you'll need me to guide your armies against one that I know more about?" I yell.

The Chief looks back at me with a stony expression. "What army?" He asks in a deep voice. "What are you talking about?"

Finally, I have your attention, I think. "Raold has an army of Foxbloods, tied up as slaves–"

"As they should." The Chief puts in innocently.

I scowl and continue. "He has an army of Foxbloods sounding you on all sides. I caught sight of them this morning. They're tied up to trees around the forest area and aren't allowed to cut their ropes or they will be punished."

Alderstienn looks deep in thought. "And you saw this today?"

I nod.

The Chief walks around the desk and looks out the window at the street. The roads are full of working villagers. "Then there is still time." He turns back to me. "Tell me everything you know."

So, I do. I tell him everything about the Foxbloods, their ages, what they look like, what their leaders looked like. I tell him about their positions in the forest, everything their leaders said, word for word. The Chief took all this in with a thoughtful face.

Finally, when I finish, he says, "I will have to speak with my advisors before I make any formal decision."

I nod.

"Say the night where you are now and come back tomorrow morning. I will have something planned by then." He assures us.

I nod and pull up my hood, hiding my satisfied expression. Things are going well.

We thank him for his time and let Sten usher us out the door.

He thanks Addison for bringing me in and goes back to his papers.

He is going to have a lot to think about tonight, I think.


"Well," Addison breaks the silence as we walk back to my cave. "That wasn't so bad."

I smile a little. "Yeah, it definitely could have gone a lot worse!"

Addison chuckles.

At the cave, the moon has risen slightly above the horizon.

"What do you think he'll say?" I ask with a yawn.

Addison shrugs. "He could say anything. He could lock you up, and use your ideas as his own. He could give you free reign or make you second in command. He could do anything."

I nod and yawn again. "Well, best not ponder it too much. What happens, happens and there's nothing we can do to change that."

Addison nods. "Well, see you tomorrow, I guess?"

"Bright and early!"

I watch Addison walk away, and turn around, scanning my home. Soon, I might be able to live in the village again! At first thought, I am excited. It would be nice not to sneak around all the time and scavenge for food and resources. But then again, I was always sneaking around.

There is not going to be a single change in anyone's heart, I think as I tuck myself into bed. They are all the same.


Like I had said last night, bright and early. The sun is low, and the sky is smeared with variations of oranges and yellows and pinks. I have been awake for an hour already, packing up some important things to help with my cause; my sword, bow, and quiver attached to my belt and slung over my shoulder, and the bag of food now is stuffed with notes I've been making about the things I've seen.

Every detail I could catch about the Foxblood army and the captors that held them in place was written on these papers. I look them over once again. The Chief is going to read all this, I think, and quickly fix a few spelling errors on the first page. Then I stuff them gently into bag and walk out the cave entrance.

The smell of the outdoors calms my trembling hands, and I start running toward the village.


Meanwhile, in the village, Chief Alderstienn sits at the table with his advisors, going over the plan once again.

"This is dangerous." Says the Chief. "We don't know what she could do!"

"We have no other choice!" One of the advisors said. "We've been over this."

"It's too late to change our votes." Said one man. He waved at the window. "Look. It's already sun-up, she will be here soon."

Alderstienn ponders over what he is about to do. The Chief sighs and gets up. "If you say there is no other choice . . ."


My hood is up, and my eyes are hidden, but I still feel the stares, however imaginary, burning my skin. The Chiefs house comes into view and I hesitate. Now or never. There is no going back.

I break into a jog and get there in seconds. I knock on the door with what I hope is authority and the Chief barks, "Enter!"

Sten opens the door and looks back at the Chief. "She's here." He says.

I hear the Chief give a small grunt and Sten opens the door wider.

I walk in to see the Chief sitting at his desk, just as he was before. He stands up and walks around his desk. "The council as decided that, effective immediately, you are the leader of the army."

I had expected something big, but not this big. For all my time here, the Chief has put me down, and everyone else followed suit. Now, with the information I have, I am given such a high title. I can only hope others will allow this.

I nod, and ask, "What will I have to do?"

The Chief took a deep breath. "You will work side by side with Torsten, as he is the current leader of the army, and because he is the best fighter we have," He nods to me, "Only second to you."

"He was the one who taught me how to use a sword." I shrug. "And I think he did a good job of it if I'm here."

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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