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I stick the note on my friends door, and wonder, Is this really happening? I was kind of mad I didn't go down without a good fight like I want to, but as I am walking through the village, I'm kinda glad it was the last time! Living in the forest, I could now live in harmony with the land, and the only things looking at me were my animal friends! Something I could definitely get used too!

The cool wind cut through my jacket as I run, making my arms prickle in excitement. The bag I carry doesn't at all weigh me down, and I can dodge just as well. I slow down when I approach the tree bearing the camo flag, thinking Hopfully, sometime soon, there will be a note on there, waiting for me to read it.

After another 5 minutes of running, I stop. I've ran in a strait line from the flag, meaning I've run in a line going south. Good to know, in case I loose my way! At this time, my heart is beating, I'm sweating and my stomach is growling, longing for food.

"Right." I say to the trees.

I keep on heading in a strait line, scanning the bushes for berrys. A bush covered in red and blue berries, plump and ripe.

A few paces way, a clearing opens and sticks litter the ground.

This will be a great place to set up camp for the night, and perfect for a fire!

I lay my bag off to the side, and begin collecting sticks. After a pile of them is made, I put rocks suraunding the fire. Then I rub two together making sparks. A stick at the top of the pile catches, and the rest bursts into flames in a matter of seconds.

Occationaly looking back at the crackling fire, I go back the way I came, looking for the bush covered in berries.

Then, just about a half mile away from the fire, the already-seen bush crosses my path!

My tummy rumbles again, and I get to work. I brought the blanket, so I pick the plump red and blue berries off the stems.

After a sweet lunch, I put out the fire and think I have to find a more... permanent home.

The sun starts to set up behind me when I see a cave. Trees around it leading just the right amount of sunlight into it. The light reveals nothing in it, so I cautiously step in,the thump of my foot on the soil echoing off the cave walls.

Before long, the sunlight is soon blocked out by the caves ceiling, and, with no source of light to guide my path, I am forced to discontinue my tour through the cave.

Laying my things against the side, I build a fire just like I did only hours before.

I bring out some leftover berries and such and gobble them down, eager to continue to explore my new house!

Once my tummy has quit rumbling, the fire is put out, but I keep a stick lit up for a torch, and continue my tour.

About two minutes later, the light of my flaming torch shows the end of the cave. I look back to see how far I am from the entrance. The light is completely blocked out due to a big turn in the path.

"No one will see me now!" I say, and my voice echos off the cave walls and back to my ears.

I lay my stuff down by the wall.

I need more stuff. No way I can build some sort of living space with what I have now!

Then, I get an idea. Nighttime is always my time, and time where my Foxyness is always probably shown...the perfect time to swipe some stuff from the Village!

As I run back through the trees, I make a mental list of all the stuff I might need:

1. Food, obviously.
2. Paper & Pen, for writing to Addison.
3. Bedding.
4. Something to divide my "House" and the "Cave", like a blanket.
5. Probably some nails to hang the blanket.
6. Some sort of food storage.
7. And, of course, more silver arrows!

By the time I finish the list, I'm standing at the entrance to my old Village.

I sigh, thinking I will come here not wanting to be seen any more then when I was a real citizen of the tribe.

Pushing that thought away, I quickly go up to each shop, snagging a few things that might come in handy back at home.


I'm going to have to call that cave home now!

Well, what else are you going to call home? You can't call the Village home anymore.

Well, I never did.

The thought is shoved from my mind when I see a huge bag sitting on the counter of a luggage shop.


Silently apologizing, I quickly grab it and dump all the stolen items I have in my arms into the bag. Hooking it around my shoulder, it feels much better then to carry it all! Plus, I have way more storage then when I carried everything. The bags only half full!

Soon, my bag is almost reaching the point of overfulling, and the last of my needed items is put into the bag.

Food, nails, a small hammer, two large, gray blankets, a smaller one thats pink, a matching pillow, and a pencel for my paper I already have are stashed in the bag, but it only weighs me down a little.

I smile as my new home comes into my sight again.

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