-Chapter Sixty-Six-

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A Delayed Farewell

(Author's Note: This chapter is segmented into three parts that revolve around different characters. The first is Nishi, the second is Morino and the third is ???. Each segment is separated by ---)

It was late at night. We had all decided to return to our dormitories, but Mina was too distraught to move after her fight with Morihei. She was completely heartbroken, though it was also obvious that she regretted what she had done to Morihei. But I understood how she felt. When Yoneda told me that Ori was the traitor after Sazzy and Mimi's trial, I remember the hatred that boiled in my bloodstream and the fury that shook my head with only one thought - vengeance. Yoneda's revelation, though phony, was the worst betrayal I had ever felt, even more so than Morihei's. In any case, Ori and I decided to take Mina back to her dormitory and console her. When I offered her another piggy-back, she tearfully reached up like a child wanting a cuddle and we left the cafeteria. The gentle rocking of my shoulders lulled her back to sleep and she started to snore on the back of my neck. I'm sure there was some dribble too, but I didn't mind. At least she's not crying anymore, I thought.

Ori was very quiet throughout the whole ordeal. I noticed that she wasn't really paying attention to anything that happened after Mina attacked Morihei. She just stared at the floor and bit her fingernails anxiously from time to time. I tried to make quiet conversation with her as we walked to Mina's room, but she didn't respond. She looks... lost. I couldn't figure Ori out. Everyone who had survived the killing game loved her, including myself. I didn't have the best way of showing it, especially after Mimi's execution, but I did love her. I was so grateful to her for how often she had saved our lives. She was the glue that had taken us all through so many hardships. Does Ori not know how much she is loved? Perhaps I should mention something to her... It was during these thoughts that we arrived at the door to Mina's room. Ori silently pushed on the handle and we stepped inside. Mina, somehow sensing that we had entered her room, stirred from her slumber and rubbed her eyes.

"Mrmmm... I'm sleepy..."

"Well, you can head to bed now, Mina," I told her sweetly. I knelt down by her bed and carefully set her down underneath the blankets. She immediately curled up and hummed contently. I signalled Ori to leave with me, but as we turned our backs-

"Wait! Don't leave... not yet," Mina whimpered, looking at us with tired eyes. Ori and I shared a glance.

"What's the matter, Mina?" I asked. "Do you want to talk about something?" Mina nodded quickly and shuffled over in her bed, asking us to sit beside her, which we obliged.

"I... want to talk about Morihei..." Mina began, unsure if we would entertain the conversation. I was taken aback, but nodded encouragingly while Ori looked on, unmoving. "I wanted to ask you what you think about the whole thing. I... didn't mean what I said about her, you know. That she deserves to be executed."

"Nobody holds it against you that you reacted that way, Mina, if that's what you're worried about," I told her, but she shook her head.

"How do you do it, Nishi?" she whispered. I tilted my head to the side. "How are you so strong, even after you lost Saza and Mitsumi? Your twin and your boyfriend? I don't get it..." I was too tired to correct the fact that she had called Mimi my boyfriend, even though that had been what I wanted more than anything.

"The truth is... I'm not strong at all, Mina," I choked back the tears as I spoke. "Deep down, I'm still as destroyed as I was at the end of that trial. But, when I saw what I did to Ori, I... realised that I was betraying Mitsumi's wish. Saza would have likely beaten the hell out of me if she were here too." I laughed a little at the thought. "She would have known how to cheer me up. She always did; whenever I was down, she was always there to pick up the pieces. I don't have that anymore, so I have to learn to mend myself. It's hard, but I promised Mitsumi I would take care of you all. I suppose I find strength in that wish of his."

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