-Chapter Sixty-Seven-

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Eulogies by the Blossoms

This chapter is told from Miyagawa's perspective

Getting out of bed had become more difficult with each trial that we had been forced to participate in. The past few days had drained me of all my strength, both physical and mental. When I woke up the morning after Iowa and Yoneda's trial, I felt rotten. I groaned and pulled the covers tightly over my chin and tried to fall back asleep. I didn't want to face the others, not even Ori. Why do I feel like this? The killing game is over, so why am I more tired than I've ever been? It doesn't make any sense...

I shut my eyes, not wanting to think about everything that had happened yesterday. There was too much to think about, but the main thought in my mind was what was going to happen to us. The novelty of defeating Monoworth had already drifted away and had been replaced with a chilling anxiety. I knew that the mastermind was bound to the rules of the game, but now that the game was over, what were they planning on doing to us? After all, Chobi was the reason we survived the trial, but we had all lost our faith in Morihei. Morihei, what is your secret? And why did it matter so much that we didn't know what it was? Would it have stopped the killings if we knew who you really are? Or would it have made them continue? I groaned again and threw the duvet away from my body in frustration, and shuddered as the cold air of my room attacked my torso and hips. I looked at my Seiko-pad and saw that it was nearly midday. I've slept for a long time, I thought bitterly, perhaps I should show myself just to let the others know I'm fine.

I got out of bed and lazily walked into my bathroom, turning on the hot water in the shower unit. I stepped under the welcoming heat of the waters, letting the droplets cascade down my aching body. I immediately relaxed, the tension in my muscles dissipating, but the turmoil in my mind made no effort to subside. I stayed like that for some time, my palms pressed against the tiles, and only stepped out once I realised my forearms and legs were reddening from the hot water.

With a heavy sigh, I dried myself and put on my standard suit once more. I wondered if everyone was going to turn up at the cafeteria. There were only six of us left now. Six. When there were sixteen of us before, I thought miserably as I tied my shoes. I promise, I'll never forget the sacrifices we made to survive. I just hope that this will finally be the end.

As I walked towards the cafeteria, I noticed several strong aromas were wafting through the air and into my nostrils. Somebody was cooking a storm in the kitchen, and the scents became even more potent as I stepped into the cafeteria. I could smell waffles, bread and... is that bacon? I briskly moved over to the entrance to the kitchen, expecting to see Mina, but instead-

"Ah! Good morning, Miyagawa!" Morino greeted me politely, gently tossing a pan of sizzling bacon in his right hand while he waved with his left. His long, dark hair was now neatly tied up in a bun at the back of his head, some loose strands tucked behind his ears. His trenchcoat lay discarded on the floor by the oven, and I realised I had never seen Morino's arms before, which were muscular and lean, to my surprise. Has he always been like that? He doesn't strike me as the athletic type. However my eyes were focused on the frilly, fuchsia apron that he had donned on his front as he worked in the kitchen. Why is he wearing that? I thought in alarm. He saw my gaze and looked down.

"That apron is... uh..." I muttered, unsure of what to say.

"Is it too gaudy?" Morino asked, twirling on the balls of his feet, pan still in hand. "It was the only one I could find this morning, but it's comfortable. Does it look... bad?" I felt a pang of guilt.

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