-Chapter Thirty-Two-

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Do Shadows Feel Fear?

The first shadow was giggling with glee after spectating the trial. Watching the polyglot boy's morale shatter into a million pieces had set their heart on fire. They had to fight the overwhelming urge for self-gratification as they watched the boy's eyes glaze over as the despair of losing his beloved friend sunk in. It was delightful. But alas, the first shadow had other matters to attend to, which was why they were sitting in the dark room that they had after the previous class trial. Since that meeting, the corpse of the fifth shadow had been removed, and now only four shadows sat there in complete silence. Finally, the first shadow spoke, done with his reverie about the polyglot boy.

"Thank you all for coming," they began.

"We would never miss an opportunity to be an audience for you, Your Eminence," the second shadow replied immediately. In the darkness, the first shadow scowled, but decided to ignore them.

"What are our thoughts on the conclusion of the trial?"

"The result was unexpected," the third shadow sneered, "but it was intriguing. I never would have thought that the nudist girl would let the fatty take her life."

"It was very entertaining to watch the students struggle to reach the truth," agreed the fourth shadow. "Though, I must admit, the traitor slightly concerns me."

"Why is that?" asked the first shadow.

"If you would allow me to speak out of turn, Your Eminence," replied the fourth shadow, "it is my belief that the student betraying the others may become an obstacle if they continue to survive the motives we present to the students. They are playing our game very smartly; they are technically responsible for the opera boy's death, yet they managed to shift the blame to the bears through manipulating the rules. They are a formidable strategist."

"I too, share your concern," admitted the first shadow. "At first, I did not consider that they would be able to pull off something so risky so perfectly."

"Having said that, Your Eminence," began the third shadow, "by doing what they did, they also put themselves in a difficult situation."

"I am aware. They put their own life at risk when they meddled with the crime scene. Had their classmates incorrectly guessed the culprit, they would have died. On the other hand, had they come forward with evidence that only a traitor would know about, they would have been immediately suspicious."

"We need to keep an eye on them," declared the second shadow.

"That is obvious, dimwit," groaned the fourth shadow. The first shadow was deep in thought as an argument ensued between the other shadows. The traitor was not a member of the Blades of Despair, so their motive for deceiving the group was unclear, and that was worrisome. Perhaps we should use the next motive to get rid of them.

"What of the next motive?" the first shadow asked, and the bickering ceased.

"It is ready, Your Eminence."

"I need you to make a couple of changes," instructed the first shadow, and they told the other shadows what needed to be done.

"If I may be so bold," said the second shadow nervously, "but what is the purpose of doing this?"

"If fortune is on our side, it will eradicate the threat of that student."

"Such a wise decision!" the second shadow cheered in praise but was met with a fist to the face from the first shadow. The second shadow cried out in pain, but then swiftly moaned in arousal. The first shadow grit their teeth – they had momentarily forgotten that the second shadow lusted after them and was terrible at hiding it.

"Are the next clues for the students ready on the fourth floor?" the first shadow demanded irritably.

"Of course, Your Eminence," confirmed the third shadow nervously, not wanting to be struck by their leader. "Everything has been set up as you desired."

"Fantastic, then what are the updates on the students?"

"The girl is still an uncertainty," the fourth shadow recounted, "her talent is still something we cannot seriously factor into the game's storyboard. We have no way of controlling it."

"Do not worry about the girl," the second shadow said darkly, "her feelings for the appraiser boy will obstruct her. In any case, her talent is no threat to us."

"Are you sure? She has solved all three trials."

"They are correct," stated the first shadow. "The girl will die soon."

"Very well, Your Eminence. In that case, the only student I have in my notes is that one. They still have not done as expected."

"Ah yes, our victor," hummed the first shadow. "For now, we cannot interfere with their performance. We cannot poison their mind."

"But if we let the students do the same thing," objected the second shadow.

"Do not argue with me! Or do you doubt my perfect killing game?" The second shadow wailed and there was a dull sound as they fell to the floor.

"Of course not, Your Eminence! Perish the very thought, I would never doubt your impenetrable wisdom!"

"This is revolting, must you always act like a snivelling toddler?" growled the fourth shadow.

"You do not have as much faith in His Eminence as I do," retorted the second shadow.

"Enough!" roared the first shadow, and even the air seemed to freeze in fear. "We are comrades, not enemies. We have been for a long time. We have masterminded many killing games together, and this one will be no different. If you genuinely believe that exterminating the problematic students would benefit the game, then we will change the next motive."

"How so, Your Eminence?" queried the fourth shadow. The first shadow thought for a few moments, and the others held their breath in anticipation for the answer. Finally, the first shadow knew what to do.

"Listen to me very carefully." In an excited tone, the first shadow laid out the plan to the others. When the first shadow thought about the despair that their plan would bring, their feeling of arousal returned, and they were practically salivating at the thought. Perhaps I will need to use the second shadow after all, they thought, it won't take much to convince them to join me in my quarters. Besides, they haven't been punished sufficiently for interrupting me. Once the first shadow had finished explaining, the others felt a similar palpitation and the meeting hastily adjourned, with each shadow eagerly devising their own role to play. Only one thought coursed through their minds as they worked.

The students are going to be in so much pain! Pain! Pain!

However, not even the shadows could predict what would come to transpire.

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