-Chapter Forty-Seven-

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Fall, My Tears

Author's Note: Hi everyone! Before you read this chapter, I just want to take this opportunity to issue a warning. If you are of a sensitive disposition, or are easily upset by themes of human trafficking, sexual abuse, molestation and equivalent, macabre themes, please take care when reading this chapter. Such themes are dealt with, and while I have tried to address them in a way that is befitting of a Danganronpa-esque storyline, as well as to the thematic principles of Blades of Despair, I understand that my readers are real people. Therefore, if you are upset by the themes discussed in this chapter, please take care of yourself. If you can't finish the chapter, or of you find it too upsetting to read, please do not exert yourselves for my sake.

We were all watching Nishi. Throughout the trial, he had been silent and distant throughout the trial, mourning the loss of his twin sister. It was as though he were stuck in a hypnotised state, unmoving and devoid of emotion. He was utterly broken; his eyes were still glazed, even when he finally began to respond to the debate. He raised his head to look at the group, and I saw that his cheeks were bright red from crying and when I looked into his eyes, I was reminded of the first time I saw Yoneda's after the third trial. The person I was looking at was undoubtedly Nishi, but the Nishi that I had known until we discovered Saza's body was gone, and in his place stood a husk. It was then that this husk spoke.

"Huh? Did... someone say... something?" he asked, his voice upsettingly hoarse. "I thought... I heard... someone..."

"Nishi," Mitsumi said gently, "do you think you could answer my question for me? Take your time."

"Mimi...? Your... question... what..." Nishi looked at the shorter boy, perplexed. "Did you... ask me a... question... Mimi?"

"Yes, Nishi, I did," Mitsumi said softly, smiling beneath his mask. "I know that you must be in a lot of pain right now. You see, the others and I can't figure out what happened, so we need your help." Do we need Nishi's help? I asked myself. Does he know something that we don't?

"My... help?"

"Nishi, please," Iowa begged, "can you help us?"


"You're hurting, Nishi," Iowa said, sobbing loudly, "you must be hurting so much. I'm so sorry for what happened to your sister, but Mitsumi is right. We have to work together, no matter how hard the circumstances."

"Hurt? Sazzy... she was hurting..."

"Ugh, he's not making any sense," Yoneda groaned, "why are we wasting our time-"

"Shut it," I hissed. Yoneda immediately closed his mouth, but scowled darkly at me. I turned my attention back to Nishi, who was now being encouraged by Mitsumi again. "Nishi, do you know something we don't? If so, we could really use some extra hands in this debate." The others began chiming in, supporting Nishi with kind words.

"You've always been really helpful in trials, Nishi," Miyagawa cheered.

"You always made me feel safe, Nishi," Mina yipped.

"Please don't lose yourself, Nishi," Morihei added, "I don't think... she would like to see her 'big bro' like this."

"You are a pillar of strength for us all. Don't lose sight of that now, Nishi," Morino said sternly but calmly.

"Do you think you can do it, Nishi?" Mitsumi pleaded.

"Help... Mimi..." Nishi murmured, and his hands began shaking.

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