-Chapter Thirty-Four-

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The Mourning After

The next morning, we all gathered in the cafeteria, like we always did. When I arrived Iowa, Saza, Mina and Morino were already sitting at the table, tucking into their breakfasts.

"Good morning, Ori," Mina tried to greet me happily, but there was fatigue and depression in her eyes. Looking at the others, I knew the trial from yesterday had taken a heavy toll on them all. Even Morino didn't seem his usual, cold self. The others turned to look at me and acknowledge my entrance.

"Morning, everyone," I replied glumly, unable to even attempt a smile as I slumped in one of the stools. Iowa immediately excused herself to make my breakfast, and the others made no effort to continue the conversation. We just sat in silence; normal chatter seemed an impossible task after enduring yesterday's trial. It had been unlike the two prior trials, in that Tokunaga hadn't killed Ouji to save himself, he had done it to save the rest of us, at the cost of Ouji's life. At least, that's what I had convinced the others in the trial; I doubted we would ever know the truth of their secret meeting, but Yoneda had been right. The trial had been unfair, Tokunaga and Ouji's deaths had been unfair, and now there were only ten students remaining. Would the number continue to dwindle, or would we be able to break free from our captors?

After another ten minutes of silence, we were joined by a sullen-looking Morihei, Miyagawa and Mitsumi. I raised an eyebrow when I saw Mitsumi walk in without Nishi. It seemed the others also noticed this, and Saza raised an objection right away.

"It's not like you to come to breakfast without big bro, Mitsumi." In response to her comment, Mitsumi just nodded, as if expecting it.

"Nishi is running a little late, but I'll let him explain when he gets here," he replied solemnly.

"Did something happen between you two?" Saza pressed.

"No, not between us specifically," he replied slowly. I felt a little uneasy at the look in Mitsumi's eyes, which was more disconcerted than I was used to. What happened? As Iowa came back into the cafeteria, plates of breakfast in her hands for the remaining students, Nishi arrived. There were several gasps.

"Big bro! What's wrong with your face?" Saza cried. Nishi, sheepishly striding over to the table, had a large purple and brown bruise on one side of his face, which looked a little swollen and had begun yellowing in some places. A single plaster rested smoothly on his cheek, and I could just about make out an owl design on it.

"Ah, morning, Sazzy," her brother replied, shamefaced. I turned to Mitsumi, my eyes wild and demanding an explanation. He averted my gaze and looked at Nishi.

"Your face is gross!" Mina shouted.

"Thanks, Mina," Nishi sighed. "I suppose I have some explaining to do."

"I think that's a good idea," Saza agreed sternly, folding her arms. Nishi took a deep breath and sat down next to Mitsumi, who inspected the plaster on Nishi's cheek closely.

"Last night, Mitsumi and I went to the gravestone," Nishi began to explain, "so that we could add Tokunaga and Ouji to the portraits. However, when we arrived at the garden, we encountered Yoneda there. I see he has yet to turn up to breakfast... "

"What was Yoneda doing in the garden alone at that hour? I asked, alarmed.

"He told us he was looking for clues relating to Tokunaga's death," Mitsumi told us sadly. "I think he is still struggling to cope with the... unusual ending to yesterday's trial, and with the loss of Tokunaga."

"He was acting oddly after the trial," Iowa noted, "but to think he would still be investigating. Tokunaga must have been really special to Yoneda."

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