-Chapter Twenty-One-

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Discussion in the Dark

Some hours after the crown prince of Leonis' execution, five shadows gathered inside a room.

It was not known where this room was, but it did not matter. The shadows had one reason for coming to that room; to discuss the events transpiring within the walls of Seiko Academy. The shadows were anxious to have this meeting as the killing game had been progressing far more exceedingly than they had first anticipated. Four of the students had already fallen victim, and the shadows knew that more would follow their friends to the grave. That was the inescapable truth of the killing game, but the shadows always felt chills ripple through their spines as each new killing game brought innovation to the demise of Ultimate students. No two killing games were the same, and the hundredth edition had so far proved to be one of the most interesting ones. However, such meetings were necessary. There were variables that needed to be controlled.

The shadows took their seats in the room, which were invisible to the naked eye as no trace of light could be detected. But the shadows had no need for light. They had been to this room many times before and did not need their sight to know where to take themselves. Once they had all settled, one of them spoke.

"I believe," the first shadow began, "that congratulations are in order. The one hundredth killing game of Seiko Academy is flowing along at an agreeable pace, which I warmly welcome." The other shadows stiffened in the presence of the first speaker. They knew the voice of the first shadow very well and were overcome with honour at being in their presence.

"Your Eminence," stuttered the second shadow, "your killing games have always proved to be the most entertaining."

"Thank you," replied the first shadow, taking care not to refer to the other by name. Names were not needed in their cohort, hence the pitch-black room. "I have summoned you all here to discuss this killing game, as well as its participants both living and dead."

"We are honoured that His Eminence would even think to waste his time listening to us!" the third shadow exclaimed, their voice betraying a gushing tone. The first shadow ignored them.

"Both motives have been successful, Your Eminence," said the fourth shadow matter-of-factly, "and the other motives are ready to distribute among the students."

"Good. And what do we think of the first case? That of Sanda Heikichi and Hatanaka Shizue, if I recall?"

"Correct, Your Eminence," came the voice of the fifth shadow. That was all they said.

"If I may be so bold to express my opinions-" began the second shadow tentatively.

"Is that not what I just asked of you? Pay attention." demanded the first shadow.

"Sorry, Your Eminence. I found the first case rather startling. To think that a boy as dumb as Hatanaka would use himself as the murder weapon - quite ingenious, I thought."

"On the contrary," snorted the fourth shadow, "it was an appropriately stupid action to take. A physical murder weapon would have been easier to dispose of - you cannot hide the cuts and bruises that beating a girl to death leaves behind. Then again, Hatanaka proved during the trial that he was useless at hiding evidence. A barely palpable beginning to the killing game, if I do say."

"But what of the girl?" asked the third shadow. "I understand she hid her emotions from her classmates, but it was never clear why?"

"It was how she was raised to be," explained the first shadow. "The students will learn the same thing should they venture to the library to read the updated Tetralogy of Despair again. I trust it is still being updated?"

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