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You're on holiday with your friends in  Las Vegas, all day spent lying around the pool drinking cocktails and just soaking up the party atmosphere from the massive pool party. You all decided that it would be a ladies' night out, a fancy dinner after dinner was determined to go to a male stripper show followed by some fun in the casino.

By the time you all got to dinner, you were all a little drunk and was being too loud for the ambience the restaurant had going on. You noticed a table with a few guys directly across from you, watching and laughing at your table. After being told numerous times to keep the noise down, the waiter finally snapped, and you all got kicked out. You and the girls made your way out and headed for the nearest bar. After an hour and dancing on tables causing mayhem, you all stumbled out the bar and back to the strip. Running around and being nuisances to anyone who came near, you were outside the Bellagio hotel and thought it would be funny to jump into the fountain dancing round in the water. One of the girls noticed the police coming your way. 

"POLICE, RUN" she screamed.

You all pegged it out of the fountain and ran, bumping into people that got in your way. Finally, you all ran back to the hotel and made it back to your rooms. After drying off and deciding it was best to hide in the hotel-casino. All the girls were glammed up to the nines looking better than when you all ran into the hotel. With a few glasses of bubbly and a purse full of cash, you were ready to hit the casino.

You decided you were going to have a go at poker, so sidled up to the table and took a seat, the dealer dealt you in, and you tried to look like you knew what you were doing, knowing you had a crap hand, you decided to bluff your way through the game. A couple of times, your bluff worked but not a lot more of the time. Finally, a few other players left, and some new men joined the table. You looked around and noticed one of them was one of the guys from the restaurant earlier in the evening. Throughout the game, you could feel someone watching you; now and again, you would glance across at him.

He was good looking, and he had wavy dirty blonde hair and striking blue eyes. He caught you looking his way, and he shot you a dirty smile with a cheeky wink. You could feel yourself blushing, so you put your head down and continued playing the game. After a few more hands were dealt, you decided to head off to find a new game to play. You stopped at the bar to get another drink. As you were standing there, you felt someone come up behind you, and you turned to see it was the guy from the poker table.

"Are you following me?" you questioned, facing him.

"I might be, a pretty little thing like you shouldn't be on her own"

"I'm not on my own; my friends are here too, somewhere?" you say, looking around the general area.

"Are you asking or telling me?" and What's your name?" he asked

"Neither just saying, and my name is none of your business, so whatever your selling, I'm not buying" Flipping your hair over your shoulder.

"I like you, your funny," He says, looking at you curiously and curling his lip into a dirty grin. 

You stand up and brush past him as you make your way over to the roulette table. As you decide on a bet, you feel a hand brush against your leg and the ghost of a breath on your neck, causing you to shiver involuntarily. Then, you see the same guy from the bar standing next to you, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"What is your deal? Do you have boundary issues or what?" you ask him.

"No, I just see a gorgeous young lady on her own in a busy place."

"AWWW, are you, my knight, in shining armour or just a tosser in tinfoil, looking to get his dick wet??" He laughs so loud that the entire table and surrounding tables turn to look at him; you sidestep a little from him, hiding your face from the view of people staring.

"Why don't we make it interesting? For every bet I win, I get to ask you a question, and for every bet, you win, you get to ask me something, and every 5th bet, we do a dare." you challenge him.

"All bets are down; no more bets, ladies and gentlemen," said the dealer.

"Sure, why not, We start next bet, and we need some more drinks; I think we are gonna need them," he says. He speaks to the waitress and asks her to keep the drinks coming our way.

It's time to lay down the bets, and you decide to go for RED, and he goes for BLACK.

As the game between you goes on, you find out he's a musician and is on a rare day off from his gruelling touring schedule. So the next time you win the bet, you decide to throw caution to the wind and surprise him by kissing him. It takes him a few seconds to click on what's happening; when he does, he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses you as he needs you to breathe. You finally break apart after someone clearing their throat gets your attention; you look up to see the entire table staring at you guys, hiding your face in his chest. You both take your winnings, making your way to the bar, away from the eyes of the roulette table. Jon goes up to the bar and speaks to the server; he walks back towards you with a smile, grabs your hand, and pulls you round to a booth hidden and barely lit up. Just as you sit down, the server comes across with a bottle of champagne, two glasses and an ice bucket full of ice; Jon tips the server, and he disappears back around to the bar.

You pour yourself a glass of champagne and hand one to Jon; once he pulls you in close to his side with one arm wrapped around your shoulders, his hand is drawing circular patterns on the top of your arms, causing little goosebumps to follow his fingers. You take your glass and down the contents in one go.

"Woah there, little lady, you are gonna pass out soon if......" He was in the middle of saying when you turned and kissed him, effectively cutting him off. The make-out session was getting rather heated in the little booth.

"If you don't take me somewhere and fuck me, I'm gonna explode." You say to him as he's kissing the sweet spot on your neck. He looks up at you with lust-filled dark blue eyes and smiles at you; he stands up and pulls you up with him, he pulls you to the back end of the bar and pulls you into a back elevator, slides his keycard into the slot. It starts moving up; just as you are about to question him, he pulls you into him and smashes his lips to yours. Your hands are wondering over his body, you reach his belt, and with one hand opening the offending article, you start palming him through his jeans with the other hand. Finally, you open his jeans, slide your hand into his boxers, and start slowly stroking his hard cock. 

He breaks apart from your lips and flips the emergency stop switch causing the lift to shake to stop. You are about to ask what he's doing when he cuts you off by turning you round and pressing you up against the wall of the lift; he bends down and lists the bottom of your dress up over your ass, as he's about to pull down your knickers he realises you have none. Jon pulls back a little bringing your hips with him; he bends you over slightly and starts rubbing the head of his cock up and down your wet slit. In one quick thrust, he's balls deep in your pussy, you let out and hard moan and gasp simultaneously. He pulls back out so that his tip is still in and then plunges so hard into you, making you scream out his name. He begins slamming his hips harder into you; it doesn't take long before his thrusts become more desperate, and he comes hard in you. 

After a few minutes to et your breath back again and get you dressed, Jon flips the switch, and the lift starts moving back up; as you take a step out onto the floor, his cum begins to run down your legs. Finally, Jon turns and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder and running to his suite, where you spend the night not sleeping.

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