Runaway part 1

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Possibly trigger***

I was sitting in the living room watching a horror film, was so engrossed I hadn't noticed it got dark outside. Then, my phone screen lit up, and the noise from a text made me jump. Stretching across to the side table, I looked at the screen and text from an unknown number was staring back at me.

Curiosity peaked, and I opened it: the only word was "RUNAWAY."

A cold shiver ran through me. I didn't know what to do so I picked up the phone and phoned my boyfriend; Waiting on tenterhooks for him to answer his bloody phone.


After what felt like forever, he answered:

"Hey gorgeous, how are you?" he purred down the phone.

"Hey Babe, did you text me off one of the boy's phones?" trying not to sound too panicked but inside, I was shitting bricks.

"No babe, why what's wrong? He said, sounding more concerned.

"I've had a text of an unknown number with only one word saying RUNAWAY, and I'm completely freaking out; please tell me it's one of your pranks!"

"Baby, it wasn't me or one of the boys. We have been in the recording studio, recording our new songs, it's going to be ok it's probably a wrong number" I could feel his worry through the phone. Then, just as I was about to say something, I could hear the boys shouting at him back to finish the recordings.

"When are you coming, home babe?" I asked, knowing that it was unlikely going to be tonight.

"I don't know, Mi Amore, there is still so much we have to do, everything is going to be ok, I promise. So switch off the horror film, make sure all the doors and windows are locked and get into bed. I love you, Bambina."

"I love you too, Jon, see you when u come home", I replied sadly. Not knowing when he would come home was torture, but I can't complain as it is his job, and he loves it so much.

Walking around our house, I made sure all the doors were locked and started heading upstairs to bed when my phone buzzed in my hands, my heart beating faster. I looked at the screen and another text, "Runaway".

I screamed and threw my phone down the stairs; as I reached the bottom to pick it up, there was a knock at the door. I stayed crouched on the floor trying to decide what to do, feeling like I was in my very own horror movie. Choosing to be brave, I headed towards the door when another knock came making me jump out of my skin.

Thinking to myself, "why does this have to happen when I'm on my own?"

As I got to the door, I could see a dark figure standing outside with his back towards the window.

"who is it?" I shouted out. Nothing no reply, but my phone buzzed, and it said

"Open the door, turn around and don't make a sound." 

I was in my horror film, and all I kept thinking was, "I am about to be murdered?"

So, deciding to go against the instinct to run, I opened the door and turned around, closing my eyes waiting.

I felt something be brought up over my eyes and tied round the back. The voice in my head kept saying, "Great job, sweetheart, you are done for now."

I was terrified, shaking as I felt hands go down my arms and bring them towards my back and be tied up.

"Runaway" was whispered in my ear, making me jump, then I felt teeth grazing my ear followed by hot breath down my neck. Swallowing hard, I tried to talk, but I couldn't move; I was frozen to the spot.

I felt wet kisses being trailed from my ear down my neck and back to my ear, making me shiver when I heard him in a husky voice say.

"Your fantasy will come true tonight."

Breath hitched, I couldn't think. All I could hear was my heart beating in my ears. He led me away from the doorway and listened to the light switch click off. Now we were in complete darkness; I felt him come back behind me, stroking down my arms, his lips ghosting my ear again.

"Have u figured it out yet?" he teased in my ear.

My brain was going all over the place; I couldn't figure out who the voice belonged to or the smell of his aftershave.

"I'll give you a hint", he mused. Then his lips crashed onto mine. I fought not to kiss him back, but there was something so familiar about his kiss. As soon as it started, he pulled back and gave a low chuckle. I felt the blindfold being removed from my eyes, but no one was in front of me.

I looked in front of me, and I could make out the full-length mirror in front of me but not who was standing behind me. All I could see was the dark silhouette of him. He came closer, whispering in my ear again:

"guessed yet?"

I shook my head. I still couldn't talk; the fear surged through my body, but also some anticipation. I felt him moving his body closer to mine because my hands were still tied behind my back; I felt his hard cock through his jeans graze my hands.

"Oh, not yet, that's for later", He rasped in my ear.

I managed to build enough courage to ask who he was, but there was nothing but silence. Instead, he started his onslaught of torturous kisses down my neck again.

A moan escaped my lips as he found my sweet spot, and he sucked on it, making my knees go weak. Then, as I fell backwards, he caught me wrapping his arms around me; there was something about the way he held me; it felt safe and familiar.

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