You had me from hello Richie x Jon

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Friday night, Richie and Jon were sitting in a random hotel bar having a few drinks together after a show. It was nearing closing time, so they decided to take a couple of bottles of wine to their rooms.

They were the only two in the elevator; the dark desire coursed through Richie's veins as it rose higher. Since he met Jon, he's had feelings for him, and the longer they spend together, the more he falls in love with him. But, unfortunately, he can't tell himself to tell him; he doesn't want to lose his best friend, brother, or everything.
It dings on their floor, and they step out, they walk towards their room, Richie was lost in thought when Jon spoke;

"Come back to my room Rich; we can finish our drinks there."
Richie was scared to look at Jon. Richie felt like his feelings were written across his face.

"Yeah, sure, sounds like a plan," he said, keeping his head down facing the floor as they walked along the corridor.

They walk into Jon's room, and towards the balcony, they take a seat and pour out their wine, light a cigarette, and enjoy the quiet night together.
Richie stared out across whatever city they were in, lost in the twinkling lights of the buildings;

"What's up, dude? You've been acting weird and quiet, and you are freaking me out," questioned Jon.

" Sorry, dude, just got some shit going back on in my head."

"Like what, maybe I can help?" Said Jon, hopeful his friend would share, for you see, Jon had his secret going on too.

"You ever have feelings for someone you shouldn't? You know you shouldn't, but you can't help it. So you try and fight it; the more you do, the more your feelings become stronger."
Richie looked out over the city, drinking his wine; he finished his cigarette and stubbed it out, slowly blowing it out into the night sky.

"Rich, have you thought about talking to this person? Maybe they feel the same? If not, you know and can move on with your life." As Jon said those last few words, a nought formed in his stomach and a slight ache in his heart.

"Jon, man, I can't tell this person; I know they won't reciprocate my feelings. But, since the day I met them, it was like instant love," at least, telling part of it to Jon was kinda cathartic to Richie.

"How do you know till you try, man? The person may feel the same for you" Jon took a peek at Richie and noticed his friend was trying to hide the tears falling down his face. He covered the few steps around the small table and got down on his haunches in front of Richie, his hands placed on Richie's knees. Richie swiped his hands across his face, scared to look into those blue eyes that had taken over his head, heart, fantasies and nightmares.

"Richie dude, talk to me. Maybe I can help" he traced small circles on Richie's thighs.
A small groan escaped Richie. He closed his eyes, feeling the rush of more tears filling up.

"Richie, if I tell you a secret, will you at least talk to me a little?"
Richie nodded his head but kept his eyes closed.

"Open your eyes, please rich, "
A few seconds tick by, Richie taking big long full of air to try and calm himself; slowly, he cracked one eye open and then the other.

"Look at me, please. Richie, I need you to look at me," desperation clinging to his voice and heart.

Richie looked down and was instantly lost in his best friend's eyes: he studied his friend's face, eyes glassy making them shine in the light pouring out of the room. Worry lines across his forehead, and the corners of his mouth turned down.

"Richie, I've been keeping a secret too; I have feelings for someone. Of course, some would say I shouldn't and that it is wrong, but in my heart, it feels right. The first time I met this person, my heart stopped beating my breath caught in my throat. The more time I've spent with this person, the more I have fallen in love with them. every moment I've wished I could tell them how I feel and them feel the same way."

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