Friday Night

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Friday night

It had been a long day at work, and all I was looking forward to was a quiet drink. As soon as I left my job, I wandered into the local pub, grabbing a seat in the corner with a Jack and Coke, just what I needed. The jukebox kicked into life, and Bad Medicine blasted out the speakers. I sat singing along to myself, finishing my drink. Finally, I decided to grab another before heading outside for a quick smoke.

I heard some voices getting closer, and I could pick up the American accent between laughter. I thought more tourists were passing by, so I kept my head down, still humming bad medicine to myself. As I stood up to go back inside, I accidentally knocked into one of them, apologising profusely. I didn't fancy a scene if it was another female I bumped into, so I kept my head down.

Then two fingers went under my chin and lifted my head, and all I could see was the most beautiful blue eyes staring back at me with a mass of golden hair everywhere; it looked like a halo with the sun shining through. My breath caught in my throat as his silky gravelly voice broke through.

"What's a pretty thing like you doing apologising for?"

not a sound came out in my response. I felt like I had stopped breathing.

His friend popped back out the door and shouted to him

"Johnny boy, come on, we're waiting for you to get the party started".

He broke our eye contact for a split second to say

"Rich, I'll be in a sec.. I'm just helping this young lady".

As I glanced to my right, I looked, and it was Richie Sambora. My head couldn't process this. The voice in my head was screaming, "Holy Shit, it was Bon Jovi!!"

My head was slowly turned back to look Jon in the eyes, and he arched his eyebrow at me as if to say I'm not going to ask again!

I managed to respond after the squeakiest unflattering noise ever produced by a human:

"I bumped into you."

He laughed and said

"Well, it looks like you need another drink as I'm currently wearing most of yours; why don't you come to join the lads and me for a couple."

I nodded my head in agreement, and he removed his fingers from under my chin. He held the doors open for me to walk through, and I thanked him.

I was guided over to where the rest of the band were sitting and introduced to them. They looked at me and said

"So, do you have a name, or are you a mystery present to unwrap? "

"Hi, I'm Georgia", I replied, blushing like a schoolgirl.

Jon turned to the boys and said he was going to the bar and grabbed my hand for me to follow him. Once we got to the bar, he ordered a round for the boys and a couple of extra shots for us 'to break the ice. We were still standing at the bar a few drinks later, and I had found my voice and was comfortable in Jon's company; we were laughing and joking.

The next thing we knew, the boys had come over to join us, telling to sit our asses down and stop leaving them out of the jokes. Jon took my hand and led me to the table, pulling across an extra stool. We were all laughing and joking loudly, to which we got stares and dirty looks from others in the bar, which just made us worse.

Richie decided to get up and put some "decent" music on the jukebox and asked if we had any requests. Having had a few drinks, I could feel my confidence growing in me and said something we could dance to.

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