Snowy Nights

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It was a cold winter's night, you were standing at the bus stop, and the snow had begun to fall. You pull your coat a little tighter around yourself, keeping warm.
You get mesmerised watching the snowfall across the park. You don't notice someone is standing next to you.

"Excuse me, miss,"

"Oh shit, you scared me."

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention. Have you been waiting long?"

"About half an hour." You keep looking ahead, trying not to encourage any more conversation with the man.

"I have a car, and I could give you a ride."

"No thanks" you take a slight glance in his direction, curiosity getting the better of you, but he is facing straight ahead, so you can only see the side profile of his face and a lot of hair poking out the bottom of his beanie hat.

"Miss, it's freezing out here; I would never forgive myself if I left you out here in the cold and alone in the dark."

"The bus should be coming any minute now, but thank you for the offer, but I must decline."

"Would you mind if I waited with you then?"

"Look, no offence, but I don't know you; you could be some psycho killer or something for all I know."

"I can assure you I'm not a psycho killer or anything nasty. My name is Jon."

"Well, Jon, I'm sure they all say that before they chop you up."

"You are funny; I can certainly promise you that I will not murder you or chop you up. But, unfortunately, no cabs are going around, and by the way, this weather is; I guess it's a safe bet that the buses are no longer running."

"You are persistent.. I'll give you that. What's it going to cost me?"

"Nothing more than a cup of coffee or hot cocoa, then once we're done, I'll drop you at home safe and sound."

At the mention of a hot drink and being at home safe and warm, a shiver runs up your spine. Taking a few minutes to think about the stranger's offer, you have an inner battle with whether or not to accept the offer. A strong wind whips up and swirls around you, making you colder than before.

"Ok, I'll accept your offer. But, unfortunately, it's too cold out here."

"Good, glad you finally decided before we both froze to death out here" He turned to face you and stuck his hand out to you. He has the prettiest blue eyes hiding under his hat; you take his hand and shake it.

"So, what's your name then?"

"Names (Y/N) Nice to meet you, Jon."

"Nice to meet you too; come on, let's get you out of the cold; there is a diner not too far from here" He waves his hand in the air, and the next minute, a sleek black car pulls up in front of us.

Jon opens the door for you, and you jump in, sliding over to the other side; Jon jumps in behind you and tells the driver to drive to the nearest diner. About 5 minutes later, we pull up outside a small stand-alone diner, and we get out and walk inside. We take a seat in the booth, and while we are waiting for the waitress, I look around; only a few other patrons are sitting around.

"So Jon, why did you offer me a ride?"

"I saw you were standing there alone at the bus stop in the dark, I hated the thought of a beautiful woman alone on the streets at night, plus this weather is horrendous.."

"Well, it is very much appreciated that you would take your time to 'rescue me'"

"The pleasure is all mine. So what do you do for work?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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