Chapter Twelve- Nothing is perfect.

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~~Greenlee's point of view~~

~Three months later~

I am currently seven months pregnant. Zach has been amazing. He helped me find a doctor in the next county over. He has gone to every appointment with me. I found out that I am having a boy. I haven't had any complications and the morning sickness stopped after my fifth month. It has definitely been a journey.

Zach and I get along great; Our sex life is fantastic; I have no complaints about our relationship. Word did get out after the Christmas party. It went from oh, they are together to when are you two getting married. That is not happening anytime soon. We aren't anywhere close to that, mainly because I won't let it be.

I also won't let Zach be the blame for the baby. We talked and decided it would be best for the baby, not to think Zach is his dad. When he is older, I will tell him the truth. I made it known to the town that I didn't know who the dad was. Aubrey and Zach know the truth. So does Zola. She assumed that he belonged to Zach. We didn't want to get her hopes up.

Zach has sworn that he isn't going to treat him any differently, and I know that he won't. He is a really good guy. There is just something off between us. We both know it, but we don't talk about it. Right now, we are just content with the way things are. His words were, "why fix it when it isn't broken." So that is how we have lived. The truth is, I don't mind it.

We both get what we want from it. We are both content, and we are both committed to each other. I wouldn't cheat on him, and I know he won't cheat on me. That is all I need. I am still not really to let the walls that I built up after Callen. He still has walls up from his ex. Believe me; we've talked about it.

I have a doctor's appointment today. Zach has taken off for every appointment. I even told him he didn't have to. He wouldn't have it any other way. As a Nanny, I don't have health insurance. I have used some of Arianna's money to pay for the visits and anything medically related to the baby. I refuse to let Zach pay for it. This baby isn't his. He isn't going to be the one to pay for it.

I feel guilty using her money, but I would rather use hers than Zach's. He has been more than willing, but it's not happening. My doctor has been great about not inflating the prices of things. She knows I pay out of pocket. Zach has it set up to where I can transfer whatever the cost is in real-time.

He and I discussed it before I chose to go that route. He assured me that Callen couldn't fight me for it. It wasn't that I didn't trust Zach; I was just nervous about it and reached out to Eloise Durham. She also assured me that it could not be contested. After she told me that, Zach and I sat down and discussed the best way to do it. That's why he set it up for auto transfer. That way, I didn't take more than what was needed.

I am sitting on the couch. Zoey is taking her nap; I have no idea where Zach is; I pull my phone out to read. The next thing I know, I feel my hair being pulled. He pulls it to where my head is tipped back. His mouth comes down on mine our tongues collide. We both end up breathless.

Zach: "Why do you have to have a doctor's appointment today?"

Greenlee: "If I didn't have one, you wouldn't be home."

Zach: "True."

He comes and sits next to me. As soon as he sits, he pulls me to him. I love moments like this; I love our connection; his fingers run through my hair. Within minutes, I'm asleep.

~~Zach's point of view~~

I love any time with that I get. I also know that we aren't forever. I haven't let myself fall. I care about her, but we both know something is missing. We are happy and content. I don't see the point in trying to change anything. We both like what we have. Why change it?

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